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Global Graduate Program - Finance

Lantmännen Unibake Danmark A/S

The Global Graduate Program: 2 years that will shape your entire career. We have graduate positions for the Finance track open in the UK, Belgium, Denmark, and Romania. The start date for this position is March or April, 2025.
Joining the Unibake Global Graduate Program marks the beginning of an exciting two-year journey filled with professional and personal experiences, growth, and opportunities. This program is thoughtfully designed to develop your functional finance skills in a business environment while providing leadership challenges that prepare you for an impactful career.

We seek the brightest talents, and in exchange, we are committed to guiding you toward a meaningful full-time role where you can make a difference. You'll play a vital part in our mission: "Towards billions of smiling tummies."

Why join Unibake and our Global Graduate Program?
With over 30 large-scale bakeries across 20+ countries and sales in more than 60 markets worldwide, we are proud to be the second-largest bakery group in Europe. As a global leader in bake-off and fresh bakery products, we serve food retail and food service channels with a strong focus on quality and swift delivery. Our dedication to excellence has made us a trusted partner to some of the world’s largest food providers.

Sustainability is not just a "buzz” word for us. We recently committed to the Science Based Targets initiative as part of our ‘Baking for a Better World’ sustainability strategy. We are dedicated to ensuring the future of the planet and taking the necessary steps to reduce our carbon footprint, as well as providing healthier product choices, and finally to create better opportunities for people.

Working in Finance
During the program, you will undertake two-year rotations across various finance functions. You will start your first year in Business Controlling and will gaining valuable experience and taking full responsibility for a range of tasks from day one. You’ll learn the skills of a Finance Business Partner, analyze commercial and operations reports, and be involved in reporting on our sustainability targets.

Finance focuses on driving competitive value creation with a strong performance in close collaboration across the business where you will work with colleagues from other functions. It is vital for Unibake to drive profitable growth to deliver short-term performance as well as long-term stable and professional development. Finance has a key role to play in that.

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Lantmännen Unibake Danmark A/S

Main office: Oensvej 28-30, 8700 Horsens

Lantmännen Unibake. Vi er brødnørder. Med mange års erfaring i at udvikle og bage brød af høj kvalitet. Det er essen af vores virksomhed. Brød der mætter den store sult, og kager der glæder den lille sult. Brød vi spiser alene, brød vi spiser sammen, på farten eller hjemme. Brød der skaber madglæde og får maver til at smile. Det er det, det hele handler om.

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