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Legal Student Assistant

Whistleblower Partners ApS

Compliance Partners Remote StudentPart-time

Salary Competitive

Compliance Partners is seeking a stud.cand.jur. / stud.cand.merc. (jur.) with excellent communication skills to join our whistleblower service team
Compliance Partners is a leading service provider of whistleblower solutions to more than 600 companies and organisations across Europe.

With our full-service model we provide a platform for whistleblowers to report potential misconduct confidentially while supporting the companies in managing the reported incidents within the legal requirements of the whistleblower directive.

Primary Job Functions
As our legal assistant, you will primarily be responsible for:

  • Support our screening team on incident and case handling towards whistleblowers and customers
  • Structuring and formalising incidence reporting and assessment processes as needed
  • Supporting our customers on questions about whistleblower legislation in their region
  • Communication with local legal partners
  • Preparing relevant legal material for our digital channels such as our website and social media
  • Assist management on internal compliance activities
  • Staying updated on relevant legislation in those markets where we operate

Who are you?

  • You have completed or HA (jur.) and are studying for a Master of Laws or cand.merc. (jur).
  • Excellent communication skills in English are a must. If applicable, please indicate your proficiency in legal communication in other languages as well.
  • You are proactive and take responsibility and you are not afraid to make decisions and execute to ensure that our obligations towards whistleblowers and customers are met. You are organised and able to implement structured processes.
  • You have experience in, or a strong interest in, privacy law and/or whistleblower legislation and comfortable engaging directly with customers and legal partners when required.
  • The role requires availability for approx. 2 full work days per week.
  • Please highlight relevant work experience from previous jobs in your application.

What we offer

  • You will gain valuable hands-on experience through diverse assignments, making this role a unique opportunity to apply your legal knowledge in practice.
  • We provide a flexible work environment, giving you the option to work either from our office in central Copenhagen close to public transportation or remotely.
  • Work hours can be flexible around exams and between semesters.

Application Process
To apply, please submit your cover letter and CV via The Hub. Due to our privacy policies, we cannot accept applications sent directly to our email accounts.

Interviews will be held on an ongoing basis either online or in our Copenhagen office.

For more information or questions please contact us at [email protected]

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Whistleblower Partners ApS

Main office: Kultorvet 11, 4, 1175 København K

Whistleblower Partners has been empowering small and mid-sized businesses to comply with international and local whistleblower and GDPR legislation since 2019. Our primary objective is to enable management teams to proactively prevent incidents and prepare themselves to respond and resolve them effectively.

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