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Student jobs in Copenhagen

StuderendeOnline has right now 514 student jobs in Copenhagen

We offer positions in industry areas like Law & Accounting (22 jobs), Electronics & Machinery (32 jobs), Finance, Insurance & Banking (28 jobs), Education & Research (40 jobs), IT & Telecom (46 jobs), Municipalities (18 jobs), Medico, Biotech & Chemistry (33 jobs), Social & Health Services (24 jobs), Consultancy & Advice (78 jobs), State, Goverment & Politics (90 jobs), and more

See job offers at companies like Berlitz Language Services - BIOFOS - Trial Nation - Etisk Handel Danmark - DI - Dansk Industri - GN Store Nord A/S - OK a.m.b.a. - Hilti Danmark A/S - Shape Aps - Schneider Electric - AFRY - and many more companies in Copenhagen area.

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