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Kickstart din karriere i PwC som Graduate i Risk Assurance (English below)

PwC - Revision | Rådgivning | Skat

Line of Service

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Management Level

Job Description & Summary

Er du interesseret i at træde ind i rollen som konsulent og blive eksponeret for mange forskellige typer af opgaver indenfor digital sikkerhed, risikostyring, compliance, kvalitetskontrol og bæredygtighed? Som graduate i PwC’s Risk Assurance får du den bedste start på din karriere i et stærkt fællesskab!

Kom godt fra start!
Efter sommerferien i 2025 starter dit graduateforløb i Risk Assurance. Du bliver fastansat i afdelingen og over de næste år klæder vi dig på til rollen som konsulent gennem videndeling, skræddersyet kursusprogram og praktisk erfaring.
I den første tid får du og de andre graduates en grundig intro til vores organisation, og de opgaver, der venter dig. Og I bliver rystet sammen på jeres fælles onboarding-tur, til netværksevents, på opgaver og til den månedlige undervisning på vores Risk Assurance Academy.

”Selvom læringskurven er stejl, er det en blid overgang til erhvervslivet, du får her. Og så lærer du hele Risk Assurance-området at kende; du vil fx få mulighed for at rotere uden for din afdeling, så du kan virkelig få et bredt perspektiv på rollen,” fortæller tidligere graduate i Digital Trust Elisabeth.

Du bliver også hjulpet godt på vej af en career coach - din daglige mentor og sparringspartner, som står klar til at hjælpe dig til netop den karriere, du gerne vil have hos PwC – også efter dit graduateforløb.

Arbejd med forskellige kundeprojekter
PwC er anerkendt som markedsledende og hele Risk Assurance er opdelt i fire afdelinger med hver deres ekspertområde med en konsulentprofil tilfælles. Som graduate vil du blive en del af én af vores afdelinger, og du vil halvvejs igennem dit forløb få mulighed for at rotere mellem dem.

  • Digital Trust (Hellerup & Aarhus): Vores mål er at give tillid til virksomheders brug af IT-systemer og databeskyttelse – tillid både internt i virksomhederne og til deres interessenter og kunder. Vi reviderer og tester it-sikkerhed, it-systemer og -platforme og udfører avanceret dataanalyse. Vores arbejde resulterer i rapporter og oplæg til kundernes øverste ledelse samt i revisorerklæringer til kundernes interessenter.
  • Sustainability Assurance & Advisory Services (Hellerup & Aarhus): Vi arbejder med virksomheder for at forbedre deres bæredygtighedspraksis og sikre overholdelse af compliance på tværs af industrier. Som nyuddannet vil du deltage i en række opgaver, der spænder over assurance- og rådgivningsopgaver, herunder CSRD-parathed, CSRD-assurance og rapporteringsoverholdelse, bæredygtighedsrådgivning og ansvarlige investeringer.
  • Governance, Risk, Compliance & Intern Audit (Hellerup): Vi hjælper virksomheder med at navigere i en dynamisk verden med stigende risici og krav om interne kontroller, governance og compliance. Alt sammen for at skabe succes i et uforudsigeligt og foranderligt miljø, hvor virksomheder skal være robuste.

Vi opfordrer dig til at læse mere om vores graduateprogrammer, interviews med tidligere graduates, og om livet som graduate i PwC på vores karriereside: www.pwc.dk/graduate

Et stærkt fællesskab og gode kolleger der bliver nye venner
Teamwork og vidensdeling står højt på agendaen både blandt dine nye kolleger i teamet og de andre graduates. Vi løser opgaverne i fællesskab, vi lærer af hinanden, og du vil opdage, at selvom du får meget selvstændigt ansvar for dine opgaver, står du aldrig alene, men har et stærkt hold i ryggen.

”Du får et unikt fællesskab til de andre graduates, som fortsætter gennem din karriere. Jeg ses stadig med dem, jeg var graduate med,” fortæller tidligere graduate i Governance, Risk, Compliance & Internal Audit, Natascha.

Vi hylder forskellighed, og du bliver derfor en del af en afdeling med en god fordeling og blanding af kompetencer. Herudover bliver du en del af en markedssucces, ligesom PwC er et powerhouse af viden, som du kan suge til dig.

Er du ved at afslutte din kandidat og klar til næste skridt?
Grib chancen og start på det graduate forløb, der passer dig bedst. Så længe du har en kandidat, er vi åbne for din baggrund. Din nysgerrighed og lyst til at tilegne dig viden, forventes at være din største drivkraft. Men det er også vigtigt, at du har lyst til at opbygge relationer og er en teamplayer, der ser opgaveløsningen som en holdindsats

Klar til at kickstarte din karriere?
… så ansøg via linket. Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte Talent Attraction Advisor & Program Lead, Natasha Berthelsen på [email protected].

Deadline er 16. februar og samtaler er planlagt i marts.
Tjekliste til ansøgning:

  • upload karakterblad fra din bachelor og kandidat
  • upload CV og en motiveret ansøgning, hvori du angiver hvilket spor, du er interesseret i
  • angiv om du ønsker at arbejde i Hellerup eller Aarhus

Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!


Kickstart your career at PwC as a Graduate in Risk Assurance
Are you interested in stepping into the role of consultant and being exposed to many different types of tasks within digital security, risk management, compliance, quality control and sustainability? As a graduate in PwC's Risk Assurance, you get the best start to your career in a strong community!

Get off to a good start!
From day one, you will be permanently employed and over the next few years, we will equip you for the role of consultant through knowledge sharing, a tailored course program and practical experience.
During your first time as a graduate at PwC, you and the other graduates get a thorough introduction to our organization and the tasks that await you. And you will be shaken together on your joint onboarding trip, at networking events, on assignments and at the monthly training at our Risk Assurance Academy.

"Although the learning curve is steep, at PwC you will experience a gentle transition into business life. You will get to know the entire area of Risk Assurance; as an example you will have the opportunity to rotate outside your department, so you can really get a broad perspective on the role," says former graduate within Digital Trust, Elisabeth.

You will also be guided along the way by a career coach - your daily mentor and sparring partner, who is ready to help you with the exact career you want at PwC - this also continues after the programme concludes.

Work on various customer projects
PwC is widely recognized as a market leader and Risk Assurance is divided into four departments, each with their own area of expertise with a common consultant profile. As a graduate, you will become part of one of our departments, and halfway through your course you will have the opportunity to rotate between them.

  • Digital Trust (Hellerup & Aarhus): Our goal is to provide trust in companies' use of IT systems and data protection – both internally within the companies and to their stakeholders and customers. We audit and test IT security, IT systems and platforms and perform advanced data analysis. Our work results in reports and presentations to the customers' top management as well as auditors' statements to the customers' stakeholders.
  • Sustainability Assurance & Advisory Services (Hellerup & Aarhus): We work with companies to enhance their sustainability practices and ensure compliance with regulations across industries. As a graduate, you will engage in a variety of tasks spanning assurance and advisory engagements, including CSRD readiness, CSRD assurance and reporting compliance, sustainability advisory and responsible investments.
  • Governance, Risk, Compliance & Internal Audit (Hellerup): We help companies navigate a dynamic world with increasing risks and requirements for internal controls, governance and compliance. All to create success in an unpredictable and changing environment where companies must be robust.

We encourage you to read more about our graduate programs, interviews with former graduates, and about life as a graduate at PwC on our career page: www.pwc.dk/graduate

A strong community and good colleagues who become new friends
Teamwork and knowledge sharing are high on the agenda both among your new colleagues in the team and the other graduates. We solve tasks together, we learn from each other, and you will discover that although you are given a lot of responsibility for your own tasks, you are never alone, but will have a strong team behind you.

"You will receive a totally unique community with the other graduates, which continues throughout your career. I still see and hang out with the people from my programme," says former graduate in Governance, Risk, Compliance & Internal Audit, Natascha.

We celebrate diversity, and you will become part of a department with a good distribution and mix of skills. In addition, you will be part of a market success, just as PwC is a powerhouse of knowledge that you can absorb.

Are you finishing your master's degree and ready for the next step?
Take the chance and start the graduate course that suits you best. As long as you have a candidate, we are open to your background. Your curiosity and desire to acquire knowledge is expected to be your biggest driving force. But it is also important that you want to build relationships and are a team player who sees the task as a team effort

Ready to kickstart your career?
… then apply via the link. If you have any questions, please contact Talent Attraction Advisor & Program Lead, Natasha Berthelsen at [email protected].

The deadline is February 16 and interviews are scheduled for March.
Checklist for application:

  • upload grade sheet from your bachelor and master degree
  • upload CV and a motivated application in which you indicate which track you are interested in
  • state whether you want to work in Hellerup or Aarhus

We look forward to hearing from you!

Education (if blank, degree and/or field of study not specified)

Degrees/Field of Study required:

Degrees/Field of Study preferred:

Certifications (if blank, certifications not specified)

Required Skills
CFO Services, Corporate Sustainability Management, Data Assurance, Data Controls, Environmental Social And Governance (ESG), IT Risk and Security Assurance, Sustainability Reports

Optional Skills
Accepting Feedback, Accepting Feedback, Active Listening, Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Coaching and Training, Communication, Compliance Advisement, Compliance Oversight, Compliance Program Implementation, Compliance Risk Assessment, Confidential Information Handling, Contract Review, Contractual Risk Mitigation, Contractual Risk Monitoring, Contract Writing, Crisis Management, Data Loss Prevention (DLP), Data Security, Discretion and Business Ethics, Emotional Regulation, Empathy, Financial Risk Management, Governance Framework, Inclusion, Intellectual Curiosity {+ 27 more}

Desired Languages (If blank, desired languages not specified)

Travel Requirements
Not Specified

Available for Work Visa Sponsorship?

Government Clearance Required?

Job Posting End Date
February 17, 2025

Location: Hellerup - Strandvejen 44

Additional location:

  • Aarhus

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PwC - Revision | Rådgivning | Skat

Hovedkontor: Strandvejen 44, 2900 Hellerup

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