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Intern, Customer Operations


At PanzerGlass®, we are looking for new passionate team members to join our scale-up and growth journey. As an intern at PanzerGlass®, you become part of a fun, professional and fast-paced organisation and you get a dedicated mentor to support your growth and learning.

Join A Great Place to Work
That’s not just something we say. We’re certified and proud to be one of the best workplaces in our business and size bracket.

Our corporate values – bring passion, be positive and have integrity – are present in everything we do. From the recruitment process to performance appraisals. From our daily business operations to business meetings with our customers. We treat people with respect and encourage agility and fast decision-making.

We constantly strive to remain a Great Place to Work. Most recently, we have initiated a global 4-day workweek project to ensure a healthy work-life balance in our organisation. For the time being, you will have the first and third Friday of the month off, like the rest of the company.

To learn more about us, please visit https://careers.panzerglass.com/

The Customer Operations Team
You will join the global Customer Operations team of 13 people, which is a busy team responsible for order management, customer service for our B2B customers (retail and corporate) and our B2C customers (Ecommerce) and general sales support. We are truly a global team with colleagues in Dubai, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Denmark. We work hard to ensure a high service across the business while we have fun every day. Our focus is to keep our customers happy – whether they are external paying customers or internal customers from other departments within PanzerGlass®. We will teach you a long list of skills and give you a plethora of tools you can use in your future career.

Responsibilities and Tasks
As an intern in global Customer Operations, you will work with:

  • Order handling via email, excel and EDI
  • E-commerce customer service using the international system, Gorgias assisting our direct end consumers with refunds, returns, orders, product queries and more
  • Support the warehouse/ business in the sticker project when the new iPhone launches.
  • Supporting our international sales team
  • Helping our customers all over the world with tasks, questions, and support
  • Take part in handling trade across borders with the necessary logistical documents for each order
  • Learn how to deal with trade outside the EU and the associated handling of this

We are looking for someone who is structured, organised, and takes pride in finishing their tasks successfully. You take initiative and responsibility for your tasks, and you understand the importance of happy customers.

  • You are currently enrolled in a study program of Professions-bachelor, Value Chain Management or similar within Business administration, economics or similar.
  • You are fluent in English – verbally and written (Danish is not a requirement but is an advantage)
  • You are more than the average user of MS Office (Outlook, Teams, and Excel in particular)
  • A great team-player with a can-do attitude

What PanzerGlass® Offer
As a global company, we offer a unique culture in an international fast-growing organisation. We operate in English to include everyone in all aspects of the business. With a fun and fast-paced work environment, no two days are the same and as a scale-up organisation, there are great growth and learning opportunities. We are a bunch of social colleagues who also like to hang out at social events outside work hours.

Location and Start date
You will be working with the global Customer Operations team from our headquarter at Delta 8, 8382 Hinnerup, an easy commute from Aarhus city centre with public transportation. The start date will be August 2025 depending on your studies.

If you have questions regarding the internship position, please contact Pernille Ege Møller, Senior Manager, Global Customer Operations by sending an email to [email protected].

Due to GDPR laws and regulations we are not able to accept any applications sent by email. Please submit your application on our Careers Page https://careers.panzerglass.com/

We will screen candidates and conduct interviews on an ongoing basis and hire as soon as we have the right match.

Customer Operations, Europe

Aarhus/Hinnerup Headquarters

Career opportunities for international explorers

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Hovedkontor: Delta 8, 8382 Hinnerup

PanzerGlass er markedsledende indenfor skærmbeskyttelse og ekstraudstyr, til dine enheder, uanset om det er til din private mobiltelefon eller virksomhedsløsninger. PanzerGlass er en global producent med en prisbelønnet produktportefølje af skærmbeskyttere, mobilcovers, telefonetuier, PC-skærmbeskyttelse, MAC-skærmbeskyttelse, ur-beskyttere, kabler, skærmrens og løsninger til automobilindustrien.

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