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Kickstart your career by joining the Nordea Graduate Programme


Helsinki, FI, 500 Stockholm, SE, 111 46 København S, DK, 2300 Warszawa, PL, 02-460 Helsinki, FI, 00100 Taastrup, DK, 2630 Oslo, NO, 0368 Göteborg, SE, 411 04 Gdańsk, PL, 80-309 Łódź, PL, 93-281

Job ID: 28073 Kickstart your career by joining the Nordea Graduate Programme. Are you ready to kickstart your career? Join the Nordea Graduate Programme and become part of our talented team! We are seeking individuals to join our programme beginning 1 September 2025.

At Nordea, we believe in empowering our employees to take control of their careers. We offer a robust internal career marketplace for job mobility. As a graduate you will learn from and collaborate with highly competent and open-minded colleagues to continually improve your skills and expand your horizons. With room to grow, you can help us unlock Nordea's full potential by unlocking your own.

What you can expect

The Nordea Graduate Programme is an 18-month programme, starting on 1 September 2025. During that period, you’ll follow a learning plan, working in various teams with clear learning objectives to support your growth. Joining the programme will be an impactful experience for you that will make a real difference to your growth. You will bring everything you learn with you as a solid foundation on which to build your future career. You will be carefully guided, and active interaction will help you get clarity on what you want, how you work and thrive and what your passion is.

When applying to the Graduate Programme you choose one of the Recruiting Career Streams below. Each stream will give the graduate a home team that will host the graduate throughout the Programme. It is also this home team where the graduate will be offered to start their career after the Programme has ended. The streams are implemented for you to navigate and find your best starting point at Nordea. This means that the streams are not separate programme tracks, all graduates in Nordea follow the same programme structure no matter of the chosen stream. However, the learning by doing will of course differ depending on the chosen stream.

In this recruitment wave we are looking for graduates in the following streams:

  • Personalized Advisory – This stream is our customer path where you will work with the personal or corporate customer side of our business. This stream is suitable for those who have background from studies, for example in economics and communication. (These positions are available in SE & FI)
  • Risk & Security in the Digital era – This stream will give you the opportunity to work with risk and legal compliance in an area of growing importance for the bank. This stream is suitable for those who have background from studies, for example in Legal. (These positions are available in DK)
  • Operational Excellence – This stream focuses on how the bank continues to be on top of trends and takes the next steps in how to operate in a profitable and sustainable way. This stream is suitable for those who have background from studies, for example in Mathematics, Engineering, Economics & Business Administration, Communication and Management. (These positions are available in FI, SE & PL)
  • Next Generation Technology – This stream is part of shaping the future of banking and supports us in transforming technology in finance and banking. Join us and be a part of making the digital customer experience of tomorrow a little better than today. This stream is suitable for those who have background from studies, for example in Computer Science. (These positions are available in FI, PL, DK, NO & SE)

When applying to the Graduate Programme you will be asked which of the streams above you are applying for, read more about the streams here. If you have any questions regarding which of the above streams you should apply to please send an email to [email protected].

If you want to read more about the experience of being in the programme read the Graduate blog.

Who you are Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the values that guide us in being at our best – and that we imagine you share with us.

To be a qualified candidate for the Graduate positions, you have:

  • A Master’s degree by 1 September 2025
  • A maximum of two years’ post-academic work experience
  • Excellent language skills in English

We also value candidates who resonate with some of the following characteristics:

  • Team players with proactive and collaborative attitudes
  • Positive, motivated and inspired mind-sets
  • Continuous curiosity to develop personal competences, professional skills and seek learning opportunities

The purpose of the programme is to develop our future talents. We listen to your career aspirations and support your development within the bank throughout different phases of your career. All in all, the question is – where do you want climb?

If this sounds like you, get in touch and let’s work together to achieve your goals!

Next steps
Submit your application in English no later than 15/02/2025. For more information, you’re welcome to send an email to [email protected]. You can read more about the full recruiting process here!

At Nordea, we know that an inclusive workplace is a sustainable workplace. We deeply believe that our diverse backgrounds, experiences, characteristics, and traits make us better at serving customers and communities. So please come as you are.

Please be aware that any applications or CVs (Curriculum Vitae) coming through email or direct messages will not be accepted or considered.

Only for candidates in Finland: A security clearance will be performed for the person selected for this position.

Only for candidates in Sweden: for union information, please contact Finansförbundet at [email protected] or SACO at [email protected].

Only for candidates in Poland: Please include permit for processing personal data in CV as following:

In accordance with art. 6 (1) a and b. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) hereinafter ‘GDPR’. I agree to have: my personal data, education and employment history proceeded for the purposes of current and future recruitment processes in Nordea Bank Abp.

The administrator of your personal data is: Nordea Bank Abp operating in Poland through its Branch, address: Aleja Edwarda Rydza Śmiglego 20, 93-281 Łodź. Your personal data will be processed for the recruitment processes in Nordea Bank Abp. You have a right to access your personal data, right to rectify and right to delete. Disclosing the personal data in the scope specified by the provisions of Polish Labour Code from 26 June 1974 and executive acts are mandatory. Providing personal data is necessary to conduct the recruitment processes. The request for the deletion of your personal data means resignation from further participation in recruitment processes and causes the immediate removal of your application. Detailed information concerning processing of your personal data can be found at: https://www.nordea.com/en/doc/nordea-privacy-policy-for-applicants.pdf.

We reserve the right to reply only to selected applications.

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Hovedkontor: Strandgade 3, 0900 København C

Nordea is the largest financial services group in Northern Europe with leading positions within corporate, institutional, retail, and private banking.

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