Aktuelle job hos Det Kongelige Akademi
Det Kongelige Akademi – Arkitektur Design og Konservering søger AC-fuldmægtig til Forskningsadministrationen
Vil du være med til at udvikle rammerne for forskningen på Det Kongelige Akademi, så akademiets forskere får de bedst mulige vilkår for at skabe forskningsresultater til gavn for fremtidens bæredygtige samfund, uddannelser og erhverv? Motiveres du af at opbygge tætte samarbejdsrelationer med faglige miljøer, har du et godt overblik og arbejder du metodisk? Trives du med opgaver i spændet mellem drift og udvikling? Om stillingen
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The Royal Danish Academy posts vacant PhD scholarship at Institute of Architecture and Technology
A PhD scholarship is offered at ‘The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design and Conservation’ in the following topic: ‘Development of Geometrically Enhanced Low-quality Timber Shell Structures and their Construction Methodology’. Framework This is a call for 3-year fully funded PhD Scholarship at the Institute of Architecture and Technology, to support the on-going research in the field of advanced materials and structural systems
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The Royal Danish Academy posts vacant PhD scholarship in exhibition and museum design and architecture
The Royal Danish Academy invites applications for a PhD position in exhibition and museum design and architecture under the topic: The Intimate Gallery. The PhD scholarship is to be filled by September 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Framework
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