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Student Collaboration Application

Coalescent Mobile Robotics

Who we are
Our company is building fleets of mobile robots to automate transportation of goods within supermarkets. Our robots help the staff with their daily jobs of filling orders, going to shelves to collect products, and bringing them to the final customers. You will have the unique opportunity to work with a skilled cross-functional development team in key company projects such as autonomous navigation in densely populated store areas, fleet management orchestration, and precision driving.

What we’re looking for
You will have the opportunity to work in many areas, and we are looking for students who:

  • Want to get involved in our company during their studies
  • Want to collaborate with us on their semester projects, company projects, bachelor/master thesis, etc.
  • Are looking for internships or student jobs
  • Are curious and excited to learn and enjoy challenges
  • Might be interested in turning their projects into a student job


  • Flexible hours
  • A great international working environment
  • Team-building activities

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Coalescent Mobile Robotics

Hovedkontor: Frederiksgade 5 B, 3. th., 5000 Odense C

We are an Odense-based, robotics company that designs and builds agile, fast and smooth collaborative robots (Cobots) in order to assist the retail industry to optimize their Click & Collect and Restocking processes. We truly believe that humans and robots can coexist in the workforce thus we offer a unique and innovative robotics solution to automate your internal transportation and logistics.

Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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