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U.S. Embassy, Copenhagen - Denmark

The Political, Economic and Environment, Science, Technology, and Health (ESTH) Section advances cooperation between the Kingdom of Denmark and the United States of America. The Embassy offers internships in three specific areas of focus: political, economic, and ESTH.

Responsibilities of interns include researching and reporting on political, economic, and ESTH affairs with the objective of providing insight into developments affecting U.S.-Danish relations. Issues covered include Danish, Faroese, and Greenlandic internal political and economic developments, NATO, peacekeeping and security issues, trade developments, financial regulations, clean technology, renewable energy, climate finance, technology commercialization, scientific research collaboration, and Arctic issues (including climate change, wildlife and health).

Interns will report directly to the relevant Specialist. Duties can include providing a written and verbal daily update of current affairs along with providing analyses and briefings on select topics, including contributing to background reports on select areas of interest. Successful candidates will also be expected to attend key lectures/presentations, lead special projects, assist with visitors, and actively participate in relevant internal and external meetings. Duties may also include organizational tasks. Interns will also be able to pursue a long-term project to make a lasting contribution in an area in which they have expertise and the Embassy has interest.

Duration and Working Hours
Schedules can be flexible to match the intern’s educational obligations, and the intern will be expected to work approximately 20 hours per week. The internship will begin in February/September and last up to six months with a minimum of four months. The internship is unpaid.
Graduate students with significant interest and/or competencies in economic, environmental, and/or political issues are strongly encouraged to apply.

Regardless of academic focus, highly motivated undergraduate students with strong academic credentials will be considered. Essential skills/abilities include analytical competencies, thinking creatively, demonstrating a willingness to work in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment, good organizational and interpersonal skills, and maintaining a good sense of humor. The successful candidate must have strong English writing and communication skills. Working level Danish is required.

To Apply
Please indicate if you have a preferred office within the section. Follow the instructions above and indicate in the subject line that you are applying for the POL/ECON/ESTH internship.

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U.S. Embassy, Copenhagen - Denmark

Hovedkontor: Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24, 2100 København

Embassy of the United States of America to the Kingdom of Denmark - Maintaining good relations since 1827

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