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Assistant Attorney for Plesner's Tax team


Are you looking for a position as an assistant attorney in a setting characterised by extensive collaboration, ambitious litigation, and professional input from some of Denmark's top tax specialists? If so, we are looking for a new colleague for Plesner's market-leading tax team.

Tax cases inspire you even more
It is not essential that you have experience in the field of tax from a previous student job. What matters most to us is that you are ambitious, have strong legal skills and are eager to apply your talents in our tax cases, where arguments are rarely straightforward, and where you will be allowed to think outside the box and combine theory and creativity.

It is also important that you want to achieve results in collaboration with your colleagues. Therefore, being approachable, good at performing as part of a team and at taking responsibility for social relations are essential qualities. Collaboration is critical to everything we do, and we are always open to our colleagues' ideas, so we will all have an opportunity to influence the way we work.

We are the best tax team in Denmark because we value clients and colleagues equally
It is our primary duty to provide value-creating advice to our clients. We have a tradition for successfully assisting Danish and international clients in the most significant tax cases. A lot of the cases are test cases and will subsequently result in the reopening of corresponding cases and statutory amendments or changes in administrative practice. Consequently, our team has had significant influence on legal developments over the years.

We want to perform at the highest level, both now and in the future. That is only possible if we continuously strive to make all our employees successful in their roles. Plesner offers excellent development and training opportunities to help ensure your professional and personal growth. We aim to be Denmark's best tax team not only for our clients but also for our team members.

What do you expect from your daily work?
As an assistant attorney in our tax team you will be working on some of the largest and most complex cases in the market, such as transfer pricing cases, beneficial ownership cases, and tax cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union. Since both litigation and disputes before administrative complaint bodies constitute a large part of our work, you will also get significant litigation experience during your time as an assistant attorney. Your tasks will cover the entire field of taxes and duties, and your work will involve a wide range of advisory work. Accordingly, daily work in the team is very varied and tasks include both small and large cases, and you will be introduced to other areas of the law when you work closely with talented colleagues across Plesner's many practice areas.

Being involved in some of the most complex cases may sound like a significant responsibility, but we will monitor you and your learning curve to ensure that your skills develop in line with the tasks – no matter how far you have come as an assistant attorney.

We look forward to hearing from you
If you want to know more about Plesner and the position, please do not hesitate to contact attorney at law Line Johanne Østergaard Andersen or HR manager Marlene Tang at +45 33 12 11 33. We look forward to receiving your application in Danish and relevant documents as soon as possible. We will continuously invite applicants for interviews.

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Hovedkontor: Amerika Plads 37, 2100 København Ø

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