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Front-end Developer Internship

Coalescent Mobile Robotics

Who we are
Our company is building fleets of mobile robots to automate the transportation of goods within supermarkets. Our diverse team collaborates on cutting-edge technology to revolutionize the industry. Our office is located in Odense. Our team fosters an informal environment, with over fourteen languages spoken among us. English is the primary language used for daily communication, nurturing an inclusive and collaborative work environment.This is an onsite opportunity.

What we’re looking for
We are seeking a student Front-end Developer looking to do an internship to gain some valuable career enhancing skills, in developing frontend applications for real customer focused product. The application is used to monitor and control a fleet of robots, so you will also gain some experience of the robotics world.

Skills Required

  • Currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or equivalent.
  • Good understanding of JavaScript ES6+ (including hands-on experience through personal projects or internships)
  • Familiarity with TypeScript (including defining types and interfaces) or with any other strongly typed language.
  • React (including features like Hooks)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Git, GitHub
  • Ability to write clean and manageable code.
  • Communication and collaboration skills, willingness to learn.

Additional Bonus Skills

  • Familiarity with browser testing and debugging (e.g. Chrome DevTools)
  • Familiarity with Redux or other state management libraries
  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Basic understanding of UI/UX, layout aesthetics
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving skills


  • A great international working environment.
  • Your contribution will directly impact our product.
  • Responsibility to own and progress new features into our product.
  • Guidance from an experienced team, with a focus on quality coding.

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Coalescent Mobile Robotics

Hovedkontor: Frederiksgade 5 B, 3. th., 5000 Odense C

We are an Odense-based, robotics company that designs and builds agile, fast and smooth collaborative robots (Cobots) in order to assist the retail industry to optimize their Click & Collect and Restocking processes. We truly believe that humans and robots can coexist in the workforce thus we offer a unique and innovative robotics solution to automate your internal transportation and logistics.

Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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