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Production worker for company in Give

Moment A/S

Are you looking for an active job within production? And are you able to stand in on short notice? Then we might have a job to offer.

Placering: Midtjylland | Sønderjylland

Jobtype: Temp job

Tid: Part-time


About the job
Join our team of production workers for a company in Give.

We are currently looking for additional team members in Give. If you are seeking a flexible job that allows you to plan your schedule as you wish, then this opportunity might be perfect for you.

Your tasks will involve handling food products on various production lines and ensuring the final products meet the required quality standards.

As part of the team, it's important that you are able to step in on short notice when needed. The company's demand fluctuates, so we cannot guarantee a fixed number of hours.

Your profile
We are looking for someone who is ready to work, reliable, and flexible regarding tasks and working hours.

While experience in production or warehouse work is an advantage, it is not a requirement.

We expect you to:

  • Be committed and punctual.
  • Be able to step in on short notice.
  • Be able to speak and understand Danish OR English.

Working hoursWe offer shifts during the day, evening, and night.

Salary and terms
The base salary is 148 DKK per hour. Evening and night supplements, as well as a 9% contribution to the "fritvalgskonto", are included.

Please note that it can be challenging to reach the workplace using public transport, so having your own car is an advantage.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, please send us your application.

If you don't already have a profile with Moment, you will be asked to create one as the first step in the application process. We look forward to hearing from you!

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The company
You will have the opportunity to become part of a well-established production company a food business with a proud history.

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Moment A/S

Hovedkontor: Vester Farimagsgade 15, 5., 1606 København V

Vi er et vikar- og rekrutteringsbureau, der har vores vikarer i fokus. Vores fornemmeste opgave er at matche dygtige kandidater med attraktive virksomheder – i hele landet. Det har vi gjort siden 1997, og vi er – synes vi selv – rigtig gode til det. Vi har 5 kontorer, tæt på 200 dygtige medarbejdere og sender hver måned mere end 5.000 vikarer og konsulenter i arbejde. Skal vi også hjælpe dig?

Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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