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Technical Support Intern, DK

Umbraco A/S

Could you be our new Technical Support Intern?
Do you believe that going to work every day should be fun? And do you want to learn and grow with relevant technical support experience? Then you are the student we are looking for!

We are currently searching for a skilled and dedicated intern to join the energetic Umbraco Support team at Umbraco HQ in Odense by August 2025.

The Support Team is a joyful bunch of 13 supporters all dedicated and passionate about solving technical issues for Umbracos customers. You can expect a steep learning curve as part of the team with lots of both personal and professional development - all in good hands of your buddy.

Your qualifications
The most important qualification is your personality: Who you are, your values and attitudes, and your eagerness to learn. We are looking for an engaging and positive team player with a take-charge attitude and commitment to getting things done.

You can expect to work with and learn about the following technologies, patterns, and buzzwords:

  • Debugging, bugs and technical issues
  • Support Platform Technologies
  • Documentation and Video material
  • C# / .NET / REST Apis/ GraphQL/ Azure/ Cloudflare
  • HTML, CSS, Javascript & Native Web Components
  • Microsoft Azure servers and SQL databases

The role
With engagement and commitment every day at Umbraco you will:

  • Help customers with all kinds of technical issues
  • Buddy up with a skilled Technical Supporter on the team
  • Help with testing, locating and reporting bugs and issues in our products
  • Actively take part in stand-ups and meetings
  • Make a difference for our customers every day

As an intern at Umbraco, you will join an existing team on the same level as any other member of that team - thus giving you real and relevant experience. If your internship is successful there’s even a good chance of continuing working with us after your internship is completed


  • Place of work:
    Umbraco HQ
    Buchwaldsgade 35, 2nd floor,
    5000 Odense
  • Starting date: August 2025
  • Internship period: 3 months (or longer depending on your education)
  • Career opportunities: Student helper and possibly full-time employee after graduation

Here are some of the perks of working at Umbraco

  • A multicultural work environment with a strong focus on Diversity and Inclusion
  • Friendly, engaged, and bright colleagues
  • Flat hierarchy and an open and honest way of working together
  • Great opportunity to advance your career with growth and training
  • Family-friendly and flexible working hours
  • Company lunch program
  • Healthcare insurance and pension scheme
  • Lots of social events, Friday bars, Padel
  • Great onboarding program

So, what are you waiting for? Now is your chance to be part of a growing, fun, and friendly tech company and gain relevant work experience!

Hit apply below to apply for the position.

You will get bonus points if you attach or link to a 1 min video presentation of yourself.

You will improve your chances significantly by reading about Umbraco on our different platforms.

About Umbraco A/S
Umbraco is a global company with its headquarters in Odense, Denmark. The company was founded in 2014 and employs more than 130 people. We have customers all over the world and are hungry for more. In addition, Umbraco is the friendliest CMS in the world, and we probably have the friendliest, toughest, and most committed community you could ask for.

At Umbraco, we are committed to creating a diverse team in gender, nationality, and age. It’s the right thing to do: We wish we didn’t even have to say it!

Read about our commitment to diversity and inclusion.

If you have any questions, please contact

Prathees Ravindrakumar
Email: [email protected]

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Umbraco A/S

Hovedkontor: Buchwaldsgade 35, 2. sal, 5000 Odense C

With more than 700,000 installations, Umbraco is one of the most deployed Web Content Management Systems on the Microsoft stack. It's in the top five most popular server applications, and among the ten most popular open-source tools.

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