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Business Intelligence Intern - autumn 2025

Salling Group A/S

Do you want to be part of Denmark’s largest retail organization and be involved in the development & implementation of analytics, performance management and reporting solutions?
Salling Group is searching for interns to the Business Intelligence & Data Analytics team, for the autumn semester 2025.

What can we offer:
The Business Intelligence & Data Analytical department is responsible for the development & implementation of a wide variety of solutions designed to create insight into our business processes and strengthen the foundation of Salling Group as a competitive, modern and data driven enterprise. As part of our toolbox, we rely on a mixture between the newest SAP Business Intelligence solutions, non-SAP tools such as Snowflake, DBT, Azure Functions and a suite of tools This has allowed us to build and run one of Northern Europe’s largest data warehouse that lays as the cornerstone of huge and complex organization.

As part of our Business Intelligence & Data Analytics division, you collaborate with an experienced team consultants, solution architects and project managers. You will also be part of a department that is actively working on increasing the data literacy of users across our organization as well as on expanding their MI & AI portfolio.

As a BI & DA intern, you will work with tasks such as:

  • Analysis and solution proposal in new projects
  • Implementation of new reporting solutions using SAP Business Intelligence tools
  • Blending SAP and non-SAP Data
  • Data preparation and data analysis
  • Communicating insights and solutions to stakeholders both in and out of the team
  • Developing sustainable and practical solutions to our business challenges

What are we searching for:
The position is open to both Danish and International applicants – but being a university student is necessary in order to qualify for the position.
We are searching for candidates with a strong analytical profile, who possess a good balance between their interest in technology and a business-oriented mindset.

On top of a proven track-record, our candidates should also have:

  • Excellent academic performance (Cand.merc, Cand. it, Cand.oecon or similar)
  • Relevant work experience
  • A data and technology approach to building BI & DA solutions
  • A strategic mindset and an ability to convert complex problems to pragmatic and practical solutions
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
  • Strong drive, independence and willingness to learn

The internship:
Salling Group’s internship term runs represents a full time placement during the autumn semester. The exact start and end dates will be set in agreement with you as to provide flexibility around your study programme. But as a starting point we aim to start the internship around 1st September 2025.

The internship is designed to offer you 4 months of hands-on experience that will allow you to explore the different facets of being a BI & DA Consultant in a large organization. As an intern you will can expect to be part of a diverse range of projects providing you with real life challenges from the retail industry. You will also be working in a department that has extensive experience in welcoming interns, and is familiar with the academic requirements around the 3rd semester internship placement.

At Salling Group we regard internships as a great opportunity for establishing a professional network, acquiring technical competences as well as a stepping stone towards your future career in the field of Business Intelligence & Data Analytics.

Do you want to be part of the team?
Then send your CV and application no later than February 23, 2025. All interviews for our internship positions will be held at the recruitment event, which takes place at our headquarters in Aarhus on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 15.00 – 18.00.

Should you have further questions about the position or recruitment process, feel free to contact Inge Marie Kristensen at +45 2182 4119

We look forward to hearing from you!

Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 Brabrand


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Salling Group A/S

Hovedkontor: Rosbjergvej 33, 8220 Brabrand

Over 53.000 medarbejdere. Danmarks mest mangfoldige arbejdsplads. Butikker, webshops, kaffebarer, restauranter og en række unikke og velkendte brands. Fordelt på fire lande. Alt sammen for at gøre hverdagen bedre. Vi er Salling Group.

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