Opslag hos Norion Consult ApS
Norion Consult ApS
Er du passioneret omkring bæredygtighed og cirkulær økonomi? Har du erfaring med dataindsamling og -analyse inden for cirkulære værdikæder, ressourceforbrug, elektronikaffald eller virksomheders bæredygtighedsstrategier? Så har du nu muligheden for at afprøve dine færdigheder og få ny erfaring i en innovativ og anerkendt konsulentvirksomhed.
Første ansøgningsfrist er den 20. marts 2025. Vi afholder samtaler efter fristens udløb.
Norion søger en praktikant til anden halvdel af 2025 til at understøtte vores arbejde med projekter inden for cirkulær økonomi og miljømæssig bæredygtighed.
I den kommende periode gennemfører vi to store undersøgelser for EU-Kommissionen om elektronikaffald og cirkulære værdikæder (Læs mere om de to undersøgelser nederst på siden). Vi søger derfor særligt efter studerende, der har tidligere erfaring og kompetencer inden for disse områder.
Vi tilbyder:
- Et inspirerende fagligt miljø med spændende opgaver inden for bæredygtighedsagendaen
- Professionel udvikling og erfaring med projektarbejde og rollen som konsulent
- Mulighed for at arbejde hands-on med aktuelle bæredygtighedsudfordringer
- Et ungt og imødekommende arbejdsmiljø med engagerede kolleger fra forskellige faglige baggrunde
- Mulighed for at tilpasse dine opgaver til et eventuelt praktikprojekt på dit studie
Vi søger praktikanter, der brænder for den bæredygtige dagsorden, og som er klar til at tage fat og tilegne sig ny viden og nye kompetencer.
Vi forventer, at du:
- Er i gang med en relevant videregående uddannelse, fx bæredygtig omstilling, sustainable design engineering, sociologi, miljøøkonomi, statskundskab, internationale studier, nature management, environmental science, CBS eller lignende
- Har erfaring med og viden om elektronik affald og cirkulære værdikæder.
- Har interesse for bæredygtighed og stærke metodiske færdigheder – både kvantitative og kvalitative
- Er nysgerrig, struktureret og motiveret for at dykke ned i komplekse og tekniske problemstillinger
- Har et positivt mindset, arbejder selvstændigt og trives i et dynamisk miljø
Gode skriftlige og mundtlige engelskkundskaber er en forudsætning. Vi har både danske og internationale kunder, så danske sprogfærdigheder er en fordel, men ikke et krav. Dansk er kontorets primære sprog, men vi sikrer, at alle føler sig inkluderet både fagligt og socialt.
- Periode: August/september 2025 – december/januar 2025/26
- Arbejdstid: Cirka 30 timer/uge (fleksibilitet ift. studie, opgaver og eksamener)
- Krav: Praktikken skal være meritgivende og kunne indgå i dit studieforløb
- Erkendtlighed: 3.000 DKK pr. måned samt gratis frokost, kaffe og sociale arrangementer
- Arbejdssted: Vores kontor på Tomsgårdsvej 19, København NV – med mulighed for møder ude
Send din ansøgning og CV til Frida Nørskov på [email protected]. Emnefelt: “Praktikantansøgning – CØ”
Ansøgningsfrist: 20. marts 2025
Har du spørgsmål? Kontakt Frida Nørskov på tlf.: 27 24 87 00
Vi glæder os til at høre fra dig!
Project information
Circular Value Chains Analysis
As the issues surrounding environmental degradation and economic sustainability continue to grow, the way we use materials must change.
The linear economy of take-make-use-dispose is not a viable mode of production and consumption. Consumption must be reduced, products’ active lifetime prolonged, and material recirculation must be taken seriously.
In response to a growing understanding, many businesses are assessing their value chains to transition from linear business models to more circular ones.
At NORION, we have been working with the circular economy in practice for more than a decade. Circular Value Chains Analysis is one of our ongoing projects. NORION, in cooperation with 3drivers and Ricardo plc, has been contracted by the DG RTD to carry out this comprehensive two-year project (to be finalised in February 2026). It aims to analyse how collaboration across value chains can assist in transitioning from linear modes of production and consumption towards circularity within the global economy.
In the project, we are developing a comprehensive knowledge base about circular value chains through extensive stakeholder engagement covering eight sectors. The value chain analysis allows us to understand crucial mechanisms for the transition towards circularity.
With this, we can address social, political, and technological challenges and opportunities in value chains. We also examine value chain governance, power typologies, and the implications for circular transitions. This work aims to identify policy measures that can facilitate the shift from linear to circular value chains, highlighting strategies that effectively support a sustainable transition.
Waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
The EU WEEE Directive sets criteria for collecting, treating and recovering WEEE. The European Commission is currently reviewing the directive to assess whether it remains fit for purpose to simplify the text and to determine whether a further review is needed.
The main objective of this study is to provide the Commission with a thorough socio-economic and environmental impact assessment of the possible policy options for reviewing the WEEE Directive.
The impact assessment and technical support shall support the Commission in elaborating the WEEE legislative proposal through the provision of an in-depth quantitative examination of regulatory costs and serve to reduce inefficiencies within the current policy framework. The final deliverable of this service contract will be published by the Commission, together with the potential adoption of the proposal.
Task 1 will develop and conduct the Impact Assessment of the economic, environmental and social impacts of policy options for a new WEEE legislation, including quantified costs and benefits. This will be done by a) detailing policy options for a new WEEE legislation and b) assessing possible impacts by reviewing the implementation in the EU and the Member States with a particular focus on the actions to be undertaken by the Commission and the Member States. The impact assessment will be conducted through a flexible and robust modelling approach that integrates techno-economic analysis and an extended input-output model, enabling an economy-wide perspective on WEEE management. This task will also conduct a rigorous and comprehensive study of existing sources and literature, and its outcome will feed into the assessment. It will entail conducting stakeholder consultations, which will complement the data collected. This will include a stakeholder consultation strategy, establishing an approach to conducting the public and targeted consultation. Responses and results from the consultations will be analysed, providing the opportunity to validate and receive feedback on the findings of the assessment work.
Task 2 will develop the Technical Assessment of the background feeding into the various policy options detailed in the impact assessment and technical support for the EC to elaborate and conduct a legislative proposal. Task 2 will compile all the data from previous tasks and present it in a technical assessment report. The report will include a section on identified limitations of the current scope of the WEEE Directive, as well as recommendations to support the Commission’s assessment of the future developments of the WEEE Directive.
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