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IC Companys



Entry level

Applications are considered on a rolling basis

Location: Paris

Workspace type: On-site

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Follow By Malene Birger
Contact Person
Rachel Otto

Job Description
We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated individual to join our wholesale showroom in Paris as an intern. The successful candidate will be responsible for operational support to the international wholesale team.

The role will involve working closely with the showroom team to ensure the smooth running of the showroom. Other tasks include:

  • Assist the wholesale team with AW25M market preparation and execution
  • Merchandise and organize the showroom prior to and during showroom appointments
  • Manage showroom coordination, including welcoming buyers, coordinating models, and ensuring the impeccable condition of samples and spaces

Skills & Requirements
The successful candidate will be a student who has excellent communication and organizational skills, as well as a keen eye for detail.

After one week with the Wholesale team during Selling In in Paris you will have gained insights into International Sales and have experience in business partnerships.

This is an non paid internship from 6th March to 12th March.
Working hours is from 08.30 to 19.00 and lunch and snacks are paid by the Company.

About the company
BY MALENE BIRGER is a Danish womenswear label that infuses sophisticated Scandinavian minimalism with a vivacious, bohemian ease. Meticulously designed with long-lasting fabrics, feminine details and enduring silhouettes, the house’s collections are luxuriously utilitarian.

Founded in 2003 by the eponymous Danish designer Malene Birger, in 2020 the label began a new chapter overseen by Creative Director Maja Dixdotter and Chief Executive Officer Ellen Dixdotter. Following a comprehensive redesign of the brand identity and store schemes, the introduction of a house monogram, and the considered refinement of the collections, the house has been rejuvenated as a major force in contemporary womenswear. Today, it offers a compelling wardrobe proposal for a modern, multi-faceted woman.

“I want women wearing our designs to feel confident and comfortable in pieces that are carefully constructed and made to last. Luxurious fabrics, warm textures, clever details and a creative but consistent design integrity are elements I insist on in the collections, so that they feel personal and purposeful.” – Maja Dixdotter, Creative Director.

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IC Companys

Hovedkontor: Thrigesvej 7, 7430 Ikast

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