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Student Worker, Airport Engineering


Do you want to join a global organization and get first-hand experience with major baggage handling system projects worldwide? We are offering an opportunity for students, who want to put their administrative skills to the test in an international setting.

Your new job
You will join our Airport Engineering division, where you will be supporting our engineering department with a wide range of different tasks related to our global airport products and projects. We offer a job of appr. 10-15 hours weekly - the precise working hours will be agreed and depends on your availability.

You will take on a wide range of administrative tasks to support the team, and it's important that you are interested in a role, where you will focus on being the go-to admin person and thrive with taking on a lot of different ad hoc tasks.

Your competencies
With your eye for the details, you create structure if it is missing while maintaining a bird's eye view. You are a self-starter, and service-minded, and you contribute to the team with your positive mindset and energy. Furthermore, you:

  • are a bachelor student planning to continue with a master's degree
  • have excellent communication skills; written and spoken (English)
  • have a flair for IT and are an experienced user of the MS Office and quick to familiarize yourself with new IT applications

We look forward to receiving your application, CV, and diplomas online via the link. Interviews are held on a current basis, and we urge you to send us your application as soon as possible. Start date is as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the job, please call Talent Acquisition Specialist Eva Holm Mikkelsen at +45 3161 9466.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Hovedkontor: P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N

With 4,500 employees in more than 70 countries we offer intralogistic solutions for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and baggage handling.

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