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Student Assistant, Marketing

Global Risk Management Ltd. A/S

Are you dreaming of starting your career in an international company? Do you want to assist in the preparation and execution of our internal and external communication plans as well as our employer branding strategy? Then, the position of Student Assistant at Global Risk Management (GRM) might be exactly right for you.

About the Position
As a Student Assistant, you will collaborate closely with the Executive Office Team, providing support to the management of Global Risk Management. Your main task will be to ensure that our company website and LinkedIn page are updated according to our marketing plan. Additionally, you will play a coordinating role with extensive collaboration across the company's various teams. The position is part-time, approximately 15 hours per week, in Middelfart. We will, of course, support you in balancing work and studies.

Your primary tasks will include:

  • Contributing to the maintenance of our corporate website and LinkedIn
  • Assisting in the preparation, coordination, and execution of our employer branding strategy on LinkedIn
  • Collecting and analysing data from our corporate website, as well as external sources
  • Creating internal and external communication materials
  • Updating our Intranet with relevant news
  • Handling a variety of ad-hoc tasks

Anna Hansen, Student Assistant, shares:

"I began my career at Global Risk Management as a Marketing Student Assistant while completing my bachelor's degree at the University of Southern Denmark. The position provided me with a valuable opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge in marketing, strategy and business development in practice alongside focused and professional colleagues. "

Your Profile
We expect that you are currently pursuing a relevant higher education in business communication, such as International Business Communication, Negot, Journalism or similar. Your motivation and identification with the job profile are more crucial than the specific study program you are enrolled in.

We also value the following qualities:

  • Great analytical skills
  • Engaged and inventive, with a willingness to contribute and share creative ideas
  • Structured and organized with attention to processes and deadlines
  • Clear and precise communication, both orally and in writing in English and Danish
  • Capable and able to handle diverse tasks
  • Experience with Canva, Adobe Creative Cloud, and video editing would be helpful but not a must.

We Offer
At Global Risk Management, our most valuable asset is our employees, and thus, development, opportunities, and networks are high on our agenda. You will become part of a company with ample opportunities to develop your areas of interest and get a close look at how our management and board operate. As a Student Assistant, you also have the opportunity to participate in the company's Student Network and our internal network of young professionals.

Want to Know More
If you are interested, please apply by uploading your CV and application. For more information about the position and Global Risk Management, contact Nina Lei Jacobsen, Head of Executive Office, at [email protected] or call 60 37 39 99. Applications will be processed continuously, so please send your application as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you.

About Global Risk Management
Global Risk Management is a leading provider of hedging solutions for the management of price risk on energy. Combining in-depth knowledge of the energy market, finance, and transport, we help clients protect their margins from the risk posed by notoriously volatile energy prices. Many of the clients operate within the shipping industry, but also airline companies, oil suppliers and industry clients use Global Risk Management’s expertise extensively. Global Risk Management is part of the Danish, family-owned United Shipping & Trading Company (USTC). USTC holds a portfolio of activities that include oil & energy, shipping & logistics, ship owning, risk management, car activities, IT and sustainable energy, environment & recycling and is present in 38 countries with more than 3,400 employees.

Department: Strandvejen 7 5500 Middelfart

Location: Middelfart

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Global Risk Management Ltd. A/S

Hovedkontor: Strandvejen 7, 5500 Middelfart

Global Risk Management is a leading provider of customised hedging solutions for the management of price risk on energy expenses. Combining in-depth knowledge of the energy market, finance and transport, we help clients protect their margins from the risk posed by notoriously volatile energy prices.

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