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Marketing and Communication Internship, fall 2025


Do you want to join a global marketing and communication team in the B-t-B market? We are offering a unique opportunity for students, who want to test their marketing and communication skills in an international setting.
The internship
Based in our office in Aarhus and reporting to our Global Marketing Director, you will be part of a Marketing and Communications team with colleagues in Aarhus, Germany, and the USA. You will work on a range of different tasks and projects, and you will take on a project manager role on some of these initiatives. Your tasks will include:

  • Employer branding initiatives, internally and externally.
  • Creation of product presentations and customer cases using video, images, and copy.
  • Creation of social media updates together with our Content Specialists.
  • Internal communication projects.
  • Development and deployment of online campaigns together with our Digital Marketing Specialists.
  • Video production and editing.
  • Collaborating with marketing colleagues and agencies in Denmark and Germany.
  • Supporting subsidiaries worldwide.

Your competencies
You are studying marketing, communication or similar and are looking for an internship where you can be involved in many different communication tasks that are critical to our activities. Furthermore, we expect that you:

  • Have excellent communication skills - in Danish and English.
  • Have a good sense for details and quality while maintaining a solid overview.
  • Are not afraid to bring in new ideas and inputs and can think outside the box and challenge us.
  • Have some experience with, or interest in, producing and editing video.
  • Can see yourself working across various communication disciplines and thrive with responsibility for your own projects.
  • Love to work in an international environment.

If you have any questions about the internship, you are welcome to contact Communications & Marketing Director, Peter Elmvang, on +45 2721 4361 or Talent Acquisition Specialist Eva Holm Mikkelsen on +45 3161 9466.

Please apply as soon as possible and no later than March 28th via the link. Please include a copy of your most recent grades. We will invite candidates for interviews on an ongoing basis and may fill the internship position before the application deadline.

The internship will begin in August 2025 and the exact duration will be agreed with your coming manager.

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