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Student Assistant to Obesity and Nutritional Sciences

Novo Nordisk Fonden

Student Assistant to Obesity and Nutritional Sciences

We are looking for a Student Assistant to support our activities in the department of Obesity and Nutritional Sciences in the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The team develops projects and initiatives related to all aspects of:

  • Prevention and management of obesity as an element of cardiometabolic disease
  • Precision dietary management of obesity and cardiometabolic diseases
  • Health promotion and lifestyle change projects

The department is also responsible for existing grants like Centre for Childhood Health (Center for Sundt Liv og Trivsel), which is an ambitious public-private partnership together with the Danish Ministry of Interior and Health. Moreover, the department acts as a secretariat for the Healthy Weight Alliance (Børnevægt i balance), which is a unique association of 44 members. For further information, please visit the website: www.børnevægtibalance.dk.

As Student Assistant you will become part of the Obesity and Nutritional Sciences department, which consists of 9 ambitious and dedicated full-time employees. We are now looking for a new student assistant who can assist colleagues in the Obesity and Nutritional Sciences department, with different analytical and administrative tasks.

The Job
The Student Assistant will provide general support to the Obesity and Nutritional Sciences team within a broad range of tasks including e.g., preparation of presentations, analysis of data and practical support with day-to-day tasks. The specific tasks may vary in accordance with your profile.

The tasks will include:

  • Assist with fact finding, data collection/registration, questionnaires, and analytical work
  • Literature search
  • Ad hoc support on projects, programs, and partnerships
  • Assist with Power Point presentations, newsletters, images/photos, website, and other visual tasks
  • Assist with coordination and practicalities related to meetings, seminars, study trips, and conferences

Please emphasize in your application which of the above-mentioned tasks you can fulfill. The working hours are 15-20 hours per week with flexibility in relation to your studies.

Your Profile
We are looking for a person who possess the right professional skills as well as a true interest within the field of both human and public health, promoting a healthy weight among children, obesity, nutritional science, and social inequity in health.

Furthermore, we expect you to be:

  • On the 3rd year of a bachelor’s degree/have at least two years left of a master’s degree e.g., preferably within the health-field.
  • A super user in the MS Office package and particularly in Power Point
  • Proficient in both spoken and written English and Danish

As a person you are:

  • Thorough, systematic and have a high attention to detail
  • Diligent, creative, and hardworking
  • A strong team player who can both initiate and finish tasks independently
  • Flexible and meets deadlines
  • Interested in learning and building your professional network within the field

Application and Information
For more information, please contact Senior Project Manager, Maja Puk Nielsen: [email protected]. We encourage you to send your application as soon as possible and no later than 19 March 2025. The expected starting date is 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible.

To apply, please send your CV, cover letter, and transcripts from university by clicking “Apply now”.

Please state in your application how many hours you can work (within normal working hours).

About the Novo Nordisk Foundation

Established in Denmark in 1924, the Novo Nordisk Foundation is an enterprise foundation with philanthropic objectives. The vision of the Foundation is to improve people’s health and the sustainability of society and the planet. The Foundation’s mission is to progress research and innovation in the prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic and infectious diseases as well as to advance knowledge and solutions to support a green transformation of society.

In the coming years, the Foundation will broaden its scope and increase its grants for scientific, humanitarian, and social purposes, including solving the climate crisis and developing tomorrow’s food production. As a consequence, we are a growing organisation, which means new job openings and exciting opportunities for employees to be part of forming the future of the Foundation.


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Novo Nordisk Fonden

Hovedkontor: Tuborg Havnevej 19, 2900 Hellerup

Vi støtter en bred vifte af projekter og initiativer, der bidrager til at fremme menneskers sundhed og planetens bæredygtighed.

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