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The Royal Danish Embassy in Algiers is looking for a Student Assistant

The Royal Danish Embassy

Position:Student Assistant

Type of employment: Employment on a local contract, temporary contract (CDD), 1 year, 20 hours/week
Starting date: 4 May 2025

Location: The Royal Danish Embassy in Algiers, Ben Aknoun

Deadline for application: 15 March 2025

The Royal Danish Embassy in Algiers is seeking to recruit a flexible, proactive and dynamic Student Assistant.

You will be working across two teams, namely the Trade Council (TC) team and the Political, Communications and Cultural Affairs (PolCom) team. The TC team works to support Danish commercial interests in Algeria engaging with Algerian authorities for business promotion and supporting Danish companies. The PolCom team produces political analyses, handles the website and social media platforms of the embassy and organises cultural events. As a Student Assistant across the two teams, you will be involved in the various tasks listed below. You are expected to show the flexibility required to handle tasks across teams and to be able to take responsibility and to work independently. The tasks to be performed may develop over time, and new tasks may be added to the job.

Main tasks and responsibilities as Student Assistant include, but are not limited to:

  • Contribute to event planning, both related to business interests and cultural affairs.
  • Prepare meeting material, e.g. background information, CVs, speaking points.
  • Social media planning incl. contribute to content creation for Facebook and Instagram accounts
  • Assist in political analytical work.
  • Contribute to news scans and press monitoring.

We are looking for:

  • Excellent communication skills, both written and oral, in English and French. Arabic an advantage.
  • A high degree of multi-tasking and time management capability
  • Experience from a diplomatic mission/international organisation is an advantage
  • Experience/good understanding of working in a multi-cultural setting
  • Good knowledge of the Microsoft Office Package (Outlook, Word, Excel) as well as social media handling
  • You must be enrolled at university, preferably at Master’s level

Employment conditions

  • You will be offered part time employment of 20h/week with the flexibility to organise your work according to your university studies.
  • Employment will be on a local contract of 1-year duration based on the relevant legally binding labour market rules of Algeria.
  • You will be entitled to 12.5 working days of paid holiday per year.
  • Your salary will reflect your qualifications, relevant experience and proven work-related results.
  • You will be declared to CNAS and the embassy will deduct income tax (IRG) and employer contribution from your salary.

Application and recruitment process

To apply for the position, please send your application (cover letter, CV, proof of relevant education, recommendations and 2-3 references) through the Emploitic-platform before 15 March 2025: Offre d'emploi Student Assitant - Services - Alger, Algérie | Emploitic

The Embassy attaches great importance to equal opportunities for all and therefore welcomes applications from all qualified persons regardless of race, sex, religion, age or disability.

Selected candidates will be invited for interviews – expected to take place throughout March.

The chosen candidate must present a “No Criminal Record” and pass security clearance by the Danish authorities prior to appointment.

About us
The Danish Embassy Algiers is part of the Danish Foreign Service. The Embassy covers Algeria and Tunisia (until the opening of a new embassy in Tunis in 2025). The Embassy is an ambitious, high-paced and dynamic workplace with 10 employees, 2 of whom are posted from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Embassy has a flat management structure.

For more information about the Embassy, see https://algeriet.um.dk/fr .

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The Royal Danish Embassy

Hovedkontor: Udenrigsministeriet, Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 København

Ambassaderne fremmer danske politiske og økonomiske interesser ved at analysere og vurdere opholdslandenes indenrigs- og udenrigspolitiske forhold.

Arbejdspladsen har lige nu 6 medabejdere med videregående uddannelsesbaggrund. I sidste periode ansatte de ingen færdiguddannede samt 5 studerende og praktikanter.

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