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Marine Engineer Internship - Digital & Data-Driven Maintenance - Fall 2025


Marine Engineer Internship - Digital & Data-Driven Maintenance - Fall 2025

Are you a marine engineering student in your 8th semester looking for a student job which transforms into an internship and a bachelor thesis on your 9th semester?
We are looking for a student worker who wants to be part of a rapidly growing company with a wide range of future career opportunities for marine engineers.

As a student worker at BEUMER Group, you will have the opportunity to combine a valuable and educational experience in collaboration with your mentor and eventually get the opportunity to write your bachelor thesis with us

Broad Insight into BEUMER Group
You will be based in our Business Development department, which is part of our Customer Support division. Here, your primary focus will be to contribute to the transition from traditional scheduled-based maintenance to a condition-based model based on a digital and data-driven approach.

You will be part of a collaboration between Business Development-, Data Analytics-, and on-site O&M teams to develop tools that help perform data-driven maintenance.

Motivated Marine Engineer with an Interest in Data
You are a marine engineering student with a strong interest in the digital world. As you will be heavily involved with data analysis and digital tools, it is essential that you have a good technical understanding and a strong interest in the field. You are motivated to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice and are ready to work independently and take responsibility on par with your colleagues.

Student Worker at BEUMER Group
At BEUMER Group, you will be in good hands and will have a mentor assigned throughout the process. Upon your start, you will receive an introductory program so that you have an overview of what you will be covering during the period.

When you start your 9th semester, you will continue with us, but transform into a paid intern, being here full time for approx.. 5 months The internship is paid

Interested? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jakob Mejlvang Christensen at +45 24 28 50 19 or Talent Acquisition Lead Søren Vestergaard Holm at +45 31 76 04 48.

Send us your application as soon as possible and no later than March 28, 2025, via the link and attach your latest transcript. We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis and may fill the position before the application deadline.

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Ansøgningsfrist d. 28.03.2025
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Hovedkontor: P.O. Pedersens Vej 10, 8200 Aarhus N

With 4,500 employees in more than 70 countries we offer intralogistic solutions for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and baggage handling.

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