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Student Assistant for Grundfos Business System Office


Are you ready to turn your theoretical knowledge into practical experience? Do you want to be part of a team that drives continuous improvement and optimizes ways of working at Grundfos? If you are eager to gain hands-on experience in business systems, internal communication, and organizational transformation, this might be the perfect opportunity for you.

In Grundfos Business System Office, we are looking for a Student Assistant to support various administrative and communication tasks.

You will join a team with 10 colleagues, all working with the development and deployment of the Grundfos Business System. GBS is all about establishing our agreed common way of working and make it more straightforward, consistent and efficient.

What is the job about?

We believe that everyone in Grundfos has passion and potential – as well as the power to influence. This is the environment where you will work as student assistant. We imagine that you will be assisting in/with supporting the deployment of the Grundfos Business System. This will include working with internal communication, and coordination of key initiatives. You will be working closely with colleagues across different teams and contributing to improving the way we work at Grundfos.

This includes working with:

• Assist in content writing for various internal communication channels for Grundfos Business System (e.g. Intranet, news, etc.), as well as coordinating with relevant stakeholders in Grundfos Business System Office.
• Drive various material creations needed for the deployment teams (e.g. PowerPoint presentations).
• Support on activities for team building and wellbeing in the team.
• Join business workshops to have a ‘documentation’ partner to support the team.
• Support the team’s Communication Specialist in various tasks.
• Perform ad hoc tasks such as writing and sending emails, preparing PowerPoint slides, requesting reports, proofreading and revision of documents, meeting support, document library cleanup.
• Arrange the annual team´s volunteering day.

You will be working for 15-20 hours per week at our headquarters in Bjerringbro, but we are of course ready to schedule your working hours around exams and schoolwork. There is a possibility of working from home on agreed days.

What do you need to apply?

- You are studying at bachelor’s level or recently initiated your master’s, within Communication, HR, Business Administration, or a related field.
- You show initiative and work proactively and independently on new assignments, as this will help you make the most of your time with us.
- You have an international outlook and speak and write English fluently.

Why Grundfos?

At Grundfos, we dare to do things that others cannot or dare not do. Our skills commit us to pioneer solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges and improve the quality of life for people. Joining us as a student assistant, you too can drive this change while improving both your skills and resume. You become part of one big powerful team in an inspiring, learning environment - an opportunity you do not want to miss.

If this sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter today and no later than 1st of April by clicking on the link “Apply for this job”. We encourage you to send your application as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Job details
Application deadline:

Workplace: Hybrid (office and home-working)

Job Location: Bjerringbro, Midtjylland, Denmark

Contract Type: Part-Time

Employment Type: Temporary

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About Grundfos
Grundfos is one of the world’s leading water technology companies with more than 19.000 employees in 60+ countries all over the world. Our skills commit us to pioneering solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges and improve the quality of life for people. We dare to do things that others cannot or dare not do, as we believe innovation is not only a business opportunity, but an obligation. And what really matters to us is not short term profit, but the impact we make. By becoming part of our united powerful team, you too can drive this change no matter your role.

An inclusive team
We believe that the key to a work environment, where employees thrive and grow, is our ability to celebrate and value our differences in background, experiences and perspectives. In our recruitment process we welcome all professional people without consideration of age, colour, gender identity, national origin, physical or mental disability, ethnicity or religion.

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Hovedkontor: Poul Due Jensens Vej 7, 8850 Bjerringbro

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