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Computational Instrument Scientist for Spectroscopy

ESSE - European Spallation Source ERIC

Reference number ESD-52613


Interfacing experimental and computational materials science in neutron spectroscopy (INS)

The European Spallation Source (ESS) invites applications for a Computational Instrument Scientist in the Data Management and Software Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, who will play a central role in developing a world leading user program in neutron spectroscopy.

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a "Big Science" project that aims to be the most powerful neutron source in the world when it is fully operational in 2027. It will enable scientists to study the atomic structure and dynamics and thus functionality of materials, opening new possibilities for research and innovation in material science.

About the role
As a Computational Instrument Scientist for Neutron Spectroscopy at the ESS, your role will be to support the generation of high impact scientific results from spectroscopy experiments at the ESS. Through collaboration with developer teams, instrument scientists, and your peers, you will facilitate the development of scientific computing solutions and services that will help users in generating results from experiments at the ESS. This can be done in a multitude of ways, for instance by:

  • assisting development of user-friendly solutions for data reduction;
  • developing modelling and simulation tools that complement experiments;
  • and by supporting instrument users, particularly in the experiment planning and data analysis phase.

The role will initially focus on ensuring that scientific user software is ready for operation of the instruments. You will therefore play a central role during instrument commissioning, where instrument control and data reduction will be in focus, moving on to analysis and modelling for first science.

The Computational Instrument Scientists for Neutron Spectroscopy are responsible for supporting the neutron spectrometer suite within the Spectroscopy Division alongside the DMSC within the Science Directorate. Five instruments with unique profiles are being constructed within the Spectroscopy Division; namely, BIFROST, CSPEC, MIRACLES, T-REX, and VESPA. Details on each can be found on the ESS website (https://www.ess.eu). Your responsibilities will prioritize T-REX, for which domain expertise in polarized inelastic neutron scattering will be of particular relevance.

The DMSC collaborates with many research institutes internationally and you will be expected to participate in these collaborations where feasible. Collaborations are especially envisioned with Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany, and Università degli Studi di Perugia and Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche both in Italy, which all contribute to the development of T-REX.

The role is expected to be pivotal for developing a world leading science program at the ESS in collaboration with your colleagues in the Science Directorate.
As an Computational Instrument Scientist, you are expected to maintain or develop an active research profile in areas of relevance for this position. Time and support for this activity is allocated as part of the role and affiliation with a university is encouraged.

The successful candidate will report to the Head of DMSC in Copenhagen, but will also be an active member of the Spectroscopy Division at ESS located in Lund, Sweden, and will spend time there on a regular basis.

The position is a full time role to be filled as soon as possible.

About you
Applicants should hold at least a PhD degree, or have similar qualifications, in physics, chemistry, materials science, computer sciences, or a similar area; with proven PINS expertise. We are looking for the rare person who is skilled in neutron spectroscopy and capable of reading and writing scripts in Python with a keen interest in scientific computing and data science.

It is desirable for the candidate to have experience in any of the following:

  • Providing user support as part of a user program at a large-scale facility.
  • Understanding of instrumentation at a neutron source or similar large-scale facility.
  • Modelling, simulation, or analysis of neutron or x-ray data.
  • Computational materials science (e.g., spin dynamics simulations, DFT calculations, etc.).
  • Project management or agile development methodologies.
  • Product management, including requirement gathering and user testing.
  • Development of scientific software, including larger collaborative projects
  • Modern software development practices (e.g., continuous integration, test driven development, etc).

Pragmatism, flexibility and a collaborative mindset are essential traits for this position, as well as enthusiasm to drive projects and processes in collaboration with your peers.

What can we offer?
We are located in Kongens Lyngby in Northern Copenhagen on the campus of Technical University of Denmark. For those not already familiar with "Wonderful Copenhagen", see www.visitcopenhagen.com. For applicants not already living in Denmark, you can find more information here: www.europeanspallationsource.se/living-working-scandinavia/denmark

Our work environment is exciting, challenging, international, and fast moving. We can offer you passionate and highly skilled colleagues, who take great pride in designing and building a world leading facility for materials research. DMSC has a growing team of 40 staff and with a further 500 colleagues at the site in Lund - representing nearly 60 nationalities. At DMSC this international team has created a friendly, open and collaborative atmosphere with regular activities and get-togethers.

Benefits include:

  • 25+5 days of annual leave as well as more than 5 days of public holidays and company days off. Attractive pension program, preventative healthcare benefit etc.
  • Focus on work life balance.
  • Where applicable, relocation support and allowances may also be available.

How to apply
Please provide your CV and cover letter in English by clicking on "apply" and following the instructions. Please note we only accept applications via the ESS website. The last day to apply is 7th of April, 2025.
For further information regarding the ESS recruitment process, please follow this link https://europeanspallationsource.se/page/hiringprocess or contact Recruitment Officer Janne Erwolter, at [email protected]

For further information regarding the position, please contact the Hiring Manager Thomas Holm Rod, at [email protected] We look forward to receiving your application soon!

URL to this pagehttps://europeanspallationsource.se/careers/vacancies?rmpage=job&rmjob=1805&rmlang=UK


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ESSE - European Spallation Source ERIC

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