Assistant Professor in Respiratory Medicine
Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
A position as Assistant Professor (10% time) is vacant at Odense Respiratory Research Unit (ODIN), the Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark. The position is limited to 1 year.
A position as Assistant Professor (10% time) is vacant at Odense Respiratory Research Unit (ODIN), the Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark.
The position is limited to 1 year.
The research unit
During recent years, the ODIN has expanded significantly. Currently, the Research Unit comprises 2 clinical professors in respiratory medicine, 2 honorary professors, 5 associate professors, 2 post docs, 4 research nurses including a the leading research nurse, a research secretary, 4 PhD-students and a number of Master students. The Research Unit publishes approximately 70 peer-reviewed papers annually.
Research at ODIN encompass all major disease areas within the field of respiratory medicine, with a special emphasis on supporting the regional and highly specialized clinical functions and centers at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Odense University Hospital.
Current research areas within the field of nursing in ODIN are research based on clinical practice within the field of respiratory medicine. Research methods used often include health professionals, patients and relatives closely involved in the research process as co-researchers. Ongoing research projects all focus on the patient perspective in all fields of respiratory medicine. In addition, investigation and development of the clinical fields involving telemedicine, particularly vulnerable patients, family nursing, outgoing and outreach nursing, as well as prevention of hospitalization.
The Department of Respiratory Medicine
In total, the department at OUH has a little more than 140 employees, comprising physicians, nurses, molecular biologists, laboratory technicians and medical secretaries.
Currently, the 140 employees medical staff include 1 chief consultant, 1 chief nurse, 2 professors, 12 consultants, 5 staff specialists, 2 senior nurses, 1 senior research nurse, 2 nurse specialists, 4 research nurses and 32 nurses working within the following specialized teams:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) unit
- Center for severe exercise dyspnea and asthma
- South Danish Center for Interstitial Lung Diseases (SCILS)
- Center for Lung Cancer (CFL)
- Mycobacterial infection Center
- Pulmonary Aspergillosis Center Denmark (PACD)
- Regional Pleural Clinic
- Ward for Respiratory Medicine (J1)
The academic position
The job involves research, professional development, research education, research-based teaching, including exams, supervision and assessment work within the field of Respiratory Medicine.
Research tasks
The department aims to expand and develop research within nursing in a broad sense. Thus, the candidate must be able to as senior researcher to build up the research field in respect to the research strategy and will be free to use different research methodologies according preferences and identified research needs and goals.
The assistant professor will be expected to take part in the communicating on issues of research within respiratory medicine to the general public.
Moreover, the applicant is expected to perform public duties, i.e. to chair commissions and boards etc.
Teaching tasks
The applicant must anticipate teaching at the pre- and post-graduate courses offered by the Faculty of Health Sciences. These obligations include teaching at the PhD-program.
The majority of teaching and supervisor tasks will be at the Master of Science in Nursing.
Expectations and qualifications
Formal training in academic teaching (e.g. “universitetspædagogikum”) is required. Teaching experience at university level is necessary for the position.
The successful candidate will be expected to have:
- a PhD degree
- research experience documented by international peer-reviewed journal articles within the fields of nursing
- ideally, the candidate has experience within Respiratory Medicine but this is not mandatory
- a documented record of teaching experience and teaching skills
- a successful track record in obtaining research funding
- a successful track record in interdisciplinary collaboration and with other sectors
- effective oral, written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
In addition, good cooperation skills are expected in order to further the development of research in the areas mentioned above, both interdisciplinary as well as nationally and internationally. International partners are an advantage, but not a requirement.
Application deadline
March 26, 2025, at 23.59 hrs. CET.
Further information
Further information about the position can be obtained from Head of Research at ODIN, Christian B. Laursen, e-mail: [email protected], phone: +45 30 23 11 14or Head of Department of Clinical Research, Rikke Leth-Larsen, e-mail: [email protected], phone: +45 65503477.
Salary and terms of employment
The applicant will be employed in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations).
Applications must be submitted electronically using the link “Apply now” - see below.
We strongly recommend that you read How to apply for a position at SDU before you apply.
Only applications written in English will be accepted for evaluation.
The application must include (as PDF files) (please note that the application (the motivation letter) and CV must not exceed 10 MB in total):
- a motivation letter
- a detailed CV
- degree certificates (inclusive of Ph.D.-diploma)
- a complete and numbered list of publications
- 3 scientific peer-reviewed publications considered by the candidate as most important for this position. Please notice that one pdf-file must be attached for each publication.
- a teaching portfolio detailing the candidate’s prior teaching experience, teaching skills, and teaching philosophy
- a research plan detailing the candidate’s ideas and plans for her/his future research work
- An explanation other qualification relevant to the post
Please note that all the above-mentioned information must be included in the application.
Incomplete applications with regards to the above-mentioned requirements will not be assessed.
Applications may be shortlisted.
References will be obtained for the applicant who is the first choice for the position - from the applicant’s most recent employer, and from previous employers as required.
Applicants selected for interview must expect to undergo a personality test specifically targeted work related matters.
If you experience technical problems, you must contact [email protected].
Living and working in Denmark
Foreign applicants will be offered Danish language training as part of the employment.
The International Staff Office (ISO) at SDU provides a variety of services for new employees, guests and people who consider applying for a job at the University of Southern Denmark.
The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.
Placering: Odense, Denmark
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