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Student Assistant - Digital Sales


Job Description:
Do you want to jumpstart your career within the exciting and fast paced global aviation industry?
Do you have a passion for sales, market analysis, business development and customer relationship management?
Then look no further. Our Student Assistant - Digital Sales is the right job for you!

What the job is …
Satair, an Airbus Services Company located in Copenhagen, is currently looking for a dedicated Student Assistant - Digital Sales (in average 20 hours per week - flexible considering your study schedule) to join our regional Sales & Support department.

As our new Student Assistant - Digital Sales, you will be part of a dynamic and international team, where you will have the opportunity to make a difference.

The start date is flexible, but we would like to have you in the team as soon as possible.

Key responsibilities

  • You will mainly support Satair’s Global e-Commerce & CRM activities, but you may be involved in projects and other administrative tasks as well.


  • Become a Super User and overall back-office administrator of Satair’s e-Commerce platform and CRM platform with a focus on performance reports and feature testing
  • Online customer onboarding - guiding customer through initial steps in utilizing our e-commerce platform under new set up
  • Customer follow-ups - checking in to ensure problems are solved
  • Stakeholder alignment - ensure communication across teams
  • Omnichannel user support
  • Compiling, analyzing, and reporting Sales pipeline data
  • Provide actionable insights to relevant stakeholders in order to allow data-driven decision making
  • Assist in compiling subject specific deck presentations

How you will contribute to the team

  • Enrolled as a student in International Business, Business Administration and Digital Management, Sales Management ,Management of Innovation and Business Development or similar education with preferably one year or more left of your studies
  • Experienced user of MS Office Excel + MS Powerpoint and Google Workspace (focus on G-sheets + G-slides)
  • Previous experience with mainstream e-Commerce and/or CRM platforms is a plus
  • Enjoy working online and are keen to learn about new platforms and software solutions
  • Structured and analytical
  • Speak and write English fluently. Knowledge of French, Spanish, Portuguese or German is a plus.
  • Independent and driven team player – and can identify tasks and assist where needed


  • Competitive hourly rate
  • Flexible work schedule and location to accommodate class schedules
  • Opportunity to gain valuable experience in the aviation industry
  • Hands-on training and mentorship from experienced professionals
  • Possibility of future full-time employment

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Hovedkontor: Amager Landevej 147A, 2770 Kastrup

Satair is a global leading provider of aftermarket services and solutions for the civil aerospace industry.

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