In Denmark, the State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme, or “SU”-scheme, guarantees students financial support. The amount you get in SU depends on a range of circumstances, such as whether you still live at home, what type of education you’re enrolled in, etc. If, however, you have a physical or mental disability that drastically reduces your ability to maintain a student job, you can get a disability allowance.

What is a disability allowance?

A disability allowance is a supplementary sum added to your monthly SU, if you have a physical or mental disability that makes it impossible to maintain a student job alongside your studies. This is meant to compensate for the income you otherwise would have had. You can apply on minSU and you need to attach medical documentation.

The exact amount you can receive varies and depends on whether you’re enrolled in a higher or vocational education. The Ministry of Higher Education and Science uploads yearly estimates for disability allowances on and minSU.

Can I get a disability allowance?

Whether you can get a disability allowance depends on your specific circumstances. In general, your disability must substantially impede your ability to work, but the Ministry of Higher Education and Science evaluates each application individually. It’s possible for two people with the same diagnosis to get two different answers to their applications, if the ministry concludes that one person is still able enough to work and therefore doesn’t qualify.

You must also already be receiving SU, before you can apply for any potential allowances. Getting pre-approved for a disability allowance ahead of time is not possible.

When you apply, you must provide documentation for your disability and that you’re unable to maintain a job. This includes current medical documentation, such as your diagnosis, a description of how your disability affects you, a potential treatment plan, and other relevant information. The more documentation you provide, the shorter your wait will be.

Note that you should apply as early as possible, since the wait time for applications for disability allowances can be very long.

Can I have an income if I get a disability allowance?

No. A disability allowance for your SU is meant to compensate for the money you would have earned, if you didn’t have a disability. This also means that your “fribeløb” (“Free amount”), the amount of money you’re allowed to earn on the side, is drastically reduced. This also goes for freelance-work, unemployment benefits, honorariums, grants, paid internships, etc.

It’s always a good idea to look into your specific circumstances on

What does the SU-reform mean for disability allowances?

From January 2027, new rules regarding SU for students, who have started a new education July 1st 2025 or any later, will go into effect. Before then, you can receive up to 70 SU-clips. One clip means one month’s worth of SU. Post-January 2027 you will only be able to get 58 SU-clips in total, unless you receive a disability allowance. If you receive a disability allowance, you will be allotted 12 extra SU-clips, so your total amount of clips remains unchanged post-January 2027.

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science checks whether you fulfil the requirements for active participation in your studies. The 12 extra months of SU you will receive if you get the disability supplement do not count in this assessment.