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Internship with responsibilities and good learning perspectives

InterCollege ApS

InterCollege is looking for an internationally minded intern, who is good at writing and willing to perform 110%.

The internship will be based in Aalborg, but shorter trips abroad will be expected. InterCollege will in 2018 have projects in EU, Republic of Moldova, Nepal, India, Vietnam and Cambodia. Candidates should, as a point of departure, be available for travel to any of these destinations.

As an intern with InterCollege you become a part of a dynamic workplace that is hosting also a small NGO and the Consulate of Republic of Moldova.

As an Intern in InterCollege you will get an independent responsibility to design project proposals under EU-funded programmes. Furthermore, you are expected to give support in different project implementations in Denmark and abroad.

– You are fluent and well formulated in English OR Danish.
– You like to have different projects running.
– You are good to structure a text and dedicated to work.
– You are always willing to offer a helping hand to your colleagues if needed.
– You are willing to travel.
– You are available for six month.
InterCollege is not looking for a candidate with a specific study or specialization. We welcome students from different backgrounds. You are always more than welcome to contact us for a discussion about the possibilities.

Selected applicants will be invited for an interview shortly after. Candidates may be asked to demonstrate his/her ability to write, by drafting a text of one-two pages.

InterCollege is a social enterprise aiming to promote internationalization. InterCollege is, among others, helping Danish NGOs and municipalities to develop project proposals under donor-funded programmes such EuropeAid, Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, The Civil Society Fund.

If you have any questions about the internship, please to contact Ana Vieru at [email protected] or PH. +45 45 34 30 40. InterCollege is very open to take an informal discussion about how an internship can be designed to your specific needs and qualifications.
Please send your CV and motivation letter to [email protected] . Read more about us.

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InterCollege ApS

Hovedkontor: Bygholmen 8, 9000 Aalborg

InterCollege is an internationally oriented social enterprise within the field of education, training and consultancy. We are all passionate about internationalization and we have experienced living abroad. We know how important international qualifications are, and we know how to successfully build them.

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