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Student Assistant - Guangzhou

The Royal Danish Embassy

The Trade Council China team of the Royal Danish Consulate General in Guangzhou is looking for a bright and energetic Chinese university student to join our Trade Council China team as a part-time Student Assistant

When 08.01.2025 Position: Student Assistant
Type of employment: Part Time
Starting Date: As soon as possible
Location: Guangzhou
Deadline for Application: 3 February 2025
As a Trade Council (TC) China Student Assistant based in Guangzhou, you will be working closely with the entire Trade Council China team with offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Taipei while also covering Hong Kong. The Trade Council China knows what happens in the Chinese market, when and where. With our team-organized structure, we assist with all kinds of business across the vast Chinese market and make sure that we have expertise in all fields that Danish companies might be interested in.

As a TC China Student Assistant, you will be involved in all aspects of the services we provide to Danish companies with a particular focus on South China. This includes delivering input to initial fact finding and market research to helping with partner identification, legal and tax issues. We help Danish companies establish sales on the largest consumer market in the world, identifying the right partners for Danish companies in China, sourcing and/or moving and protecting their production to China while providing advice on supply chain de-risking and due diligence.

You will also assist the TC team’s commercial advisors focusing mainly on promoting Danish commercial interests within its main strategic strongholds: food/agriculture, and water/environment.

Main tasks and responsibilities:

  • Providing high quality background information for tasks related to the Trade Council of Denmark
  • Contribute to TC team’s and senior management’s strategic planning, as well as tasks related to global public affairs and market research
  • Prepare and carry out visit programs by companies and authorities
  • Translating relevant information/news about Denmark
  • Communication tasks based on texts, pictures and videos for the Trade Council China’s media platforms, and assisting with other media and public diplomacy related ad hoc affairs
  • Miscellaneous tasks

You will be asked to commit to 20 working hours per week for preferably no less than 12 months starting as soon as possible. The timing of the actual, hourly working schedule will be planned together with the selected candidate.

Salary: 2.000 RMB per month.

Preferred Qualifications
Applicants with the following qualifications will be given preference:

  • Currently enrolled in a relevant BA or MA programme with a major in wider commercial studies; a sector-specific study relevant to TC China’s strategic commercial focus areas; international relations/English, or related areas
  • Chinese natural speaker and excellent command of written English is a must
  • Independent, responsible and creative, and ability to teamwork in a dynamic and target-focused environment
  • Good organizer of work and data, basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel.
  • In addition, knowledge and experience work with commercially related activities, and sector knowledge within food/agriculture and/or water/environment, and
  • Basic knowledge about graphic design to make posters/invitations/backdrops for events or meetings would be assets

To apply for the position, please send your application (cover letter, CV, proof of enrollment in higher-education, most recent exam results overview, and 1-3 references (including place of study/company, name of contact person and e-mail) in English to: e-mail with the subject line: Application: Student Assistant no later than 3 February 2025.

For any questions regarding the position, e-mail: e-mail .

Important information
To be considered for this job, candidates are required to present a clean criminal record and must pass security clearance by the Danish authorities.

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Ansøgningsfrist d. 03.02.2025
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The Royal Danish Embassy

Hovedkontor: Udenrigsministeriet, Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 København

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