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Administrative Officer - Beijing

The Royal Danish Embassy

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Beijing is looking for a positive, energetic, and service-minded Administrative Officer When 27.02.2025 Position: Administrative Officer
Part time permanent employment on a local contract
(approx. 25 hours/week)
Starting date:
As soon as possible
Location: Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark, Beijing
Deadline: 16 March 2025
The administrative team is a dynamic team, which currently consists of both permanent employees and affiliated service staff. The administration is responsible for all supporting operations of the Embassy compound. We aim to have a well-functioning, streamlined and service-minded administration, which supports and guides all employees at the Embassy.

We are a busy team with many various tasks within a broad range of responsibilities such as Financial Management, HR, Housing, Administrative tasks etc. You will be in touch with the entire organisation and part of a multicultural workplace consisting of almost 130 employees from Denmark and China and as such gain insight into the international environment of a mission in the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

As our new administrative colleague, you will participate in the team's overall daily task performance and be primarily responsible for the areas below. However, areas of responsibility may change to maintain flexibility in the team.

Main tasks and responsibilities

  • Contact Chinese authorities, external suppliers and companies
  • Handle cases of Customs clearance and issues related to diplomatic privileges and immunities
  • Coordinate the accreditation of new staff incl. updating MFA digital system
  • Responsible for the Embassy’s office cars incl. updating MFA digital system
  • Responsible for the Embassy drivers’ schedule
  • Assist in the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the Embassy compound
  • Translate documents (Verbal note/contracts etc.)
  • Assist receptionist as back-up function
  • Assist cashier as back-up on VAT refund
  • Other ad hoc administrative tasks

Required qualifications

  • Proficient in Chinese and English.
  • Good communication skills, oral and written (Chinese and English)
  • Outgoing, service-minded person with a flexible and constructive attitude.
  • Thrives in a busy environment with several tasks at once without losing sight
  • Experience from previous administrative jobs is an advantage
  • Good team player, both with other teams and with management
  • Works independently, structured and organized

We offer

  • An exciting, inter-cultural and dynamic work environment with diverse tasks
  • Great opportunities for further development of your professional and personal competences
  • A large degree of self-dependence
  • An informal workspace, where we care about each other’s well-being
  • Flexible working hours

Salary and employment conditions
The employment is 25 hours per week. You will be employed on local employment terms and your salary will reflect your qualifications and experience. The selected candidate must undergo a security clearance prior to signing the employment contract.

Application and recruitment process

To apply for the position, please send your motivated application in English to e-mail with the subject: “Administrative Officer”. The e-mail must include: Cover Letter, CV, proof of relevant education, recommendations and 2-3 references (references can be the contact of previous employers). The deadline is March 16, 2025.
The Embassy attaches great importance to equal opportunities for all and welcomes applications from all qualified persons regardless of race, sex, religion, age or disability.

Selected candidates can expect to be invited for an interview at the Embassy before 21 March 2025. Only candidates called for an interview will receive a reply to their application.

The chosen candidate must present a “No Criminal Record” and pass security clearance by the Danish authorities prior to employment.


For any questions regarding the position, you can send an e-mail to e-mail . Please note "Administrative officer" in the subject field.

For further information about the position, you can contact head of administration Eileen Du at e-mail (+86 10 8532 9921).

About us

The Embassy of Kingdom of Denmark in Beijing is part of the Danish Foreign Service. The Embassy is an ambitious, high-paced and dynamic workplace with approximately 70 employees, of whom 26 are posted from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Embassy has a flat management structure.

The Embassy’s primary tasks are to ensure that the Chinese-Danish diplomatic relations are maintained and optimized. Besides the Defence team, the Embassy consists of teams covering, political and economic affairs, trade, visa & consular, admin and public diplomacy.

For more information about the Embassy, see www.kina.um.dk

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The Royal Danish Embassy

Hovedkontor: Udenrigsministeriet, Asiatisk Plads 2, 1448 København

Ambassaderne fremmer danske politiske og økonomiske interesser ved at analysere og vurdere opholdslandenes indenrigs- og udenrigspolitiske forhold.

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