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Microelectronic Students - ASIC Design & Development

Presto Engineering Denmark ApS

We develop solutions for a wide variaty of power and performance products, not just the next generation of an existing chip. Copenhagen area

Created: 18/04/2023
Applications will be screened regularly.

Are you interested in a student job within microelectronics, design and development of ASIC's?
Presto Engineering is the recognized expert in ASIC development and Semiconductor services, helping innovative companies imagine and implement solutions for tomorrow in high-value markets such as Medical, Automotive, Industrial and Communication.

You get to work with highly specialized ASIC designers, packaging specialists and production test specialists that work with many products for different costumers for vastly different applications.

We develop solutions for a wide variaty of power and performance products, not just the next generation of an existing chip. This also means you get to work many different technologies best suited for the given task.

If this sounds interesting, we would like to hear from you!

What we can offer​

  • Become part of an international company with friendly, smart, and passionate colleagues and join a great workplace that is heavily invested in making everyone feeling valued, motivated, and cared for.​
  • A flexible work place with optimal work-life/study balance.​
  • Keep on developing in your role with regular conversations with your manager and team members.​
  • Working hours per agreement.​

​Did this catch your interest?
Then upload your cv by using clicking "Apply Now" and tell us a little about yourself and let us keep your information for our next available student job.

Equal Opportunity
At Presto Engineering we value diversity as part of our company DNA and are a team of more than 20 nationalities! We are committed to growing and empowering an inclusive community within our company, industry, and cities. We aim to hire and cultivate diverse teams of people from all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We believe that true innovation happens when everyone has room at the table and the tools, resources, and opportunity to excel.

Additional Details
Please take a look at our website to find out what it's like to work at Presto Enginering, and follow us on LinkedIn for vacancy updates.

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Presto Engineering Denmark ApS

Hovedkontor: Venlighedsvej 4, 2970 Hørsholm

Successfully implementing custom semiconductor technology into your products and processes is a challenge, but this can really be a game changer to grow your business. Presto Engineering is the recognized expert in ASIC design and integrated semiconductor services. We help innovative companies imagine and implement microelectronic solutions for tomorrow, in high-value markets such as Medical, Automotive, Industrial and Communication, while reducing risk, minimizing fixed cost structure and accelerating time-to-market.

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