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Doctoral students in Sport sciences specialising in social sciences and the humanities

Malmö University


Reference number P 2024/1762

Malmö University is an innovative, urban, and internationally-oriented academic institution that, thanks to its committed and experienced staff, contributes to societal development. Here, teachers, researchers, and other employees with various competencies work together to conduct high-quality education and research. All professional categories and roles are important. You are welcome to apply for a job with us!

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We are looking for
Doctoral students in Sport Science specialising in social sciences and the humanities.

Content and duties
Those who are employed as doctoral students are expected to primarily devote themselves to their own research education (located at Malmö University).

The intended degree is a PhD, which corresponds to a 4-year full-time research education. Departmental duties may amount to a maximum of 20% of fulltime employment. If so, the doctoral student is compensated with an equivalent extension of the study period.


The processes of admission to research education and employment as a doctoral student run in parallel. The basic eligibility for admission includes the following:

      • having completed a second-cycle level degree,
      • having fulfilled course requirements comprising a minimum of 240 higher education credits, including at least 60 second-cycle credits, ors
      • having in other ways, inside or outside Sweden, substantially acquired the equivalent (Higher Education Ordinance Ch. 7, section 39)

Specific eligibility
Specific eligibility applies to those having obtained the command of language required by the education as well as having presented an approved independent study within sport sciences, comprising at least 15 second-cycle credits, or having been assessed by Malmö University as possessing the equivalent knowledge.

Bases for assessment

The basis for selection among eligible applicants is their ability to benefit from the education and to reach its goal. In the assessment of eligible applicants’ ability to benefit from the education, consideration is taken to

      • the applicant’s independence and planning of previous work; the applicant’s previously demonstrated ability to adequately complete work adequately
      • the applicant’s ability to formulate research and problem areas, both in previous work and in the research plan for working with the intended dissertation
      • the degree of methodological and scientific maturity both in previously performed work and in the research plan, as well as the ability to communicate, both in writing and orally.

At the admission, consideration is taken to the command of language required by the education.

Contact person for the Department of Sport Sciences, is the Head of the department, Anna Fabri, [email protected], +46 040-665 81 90. Contact person for the subject of Sport Science specializing in Social Sciences and the Humanities is the Director of Doctoral Studies, Professor Kutte Jönsson, [email protected], +46 040-6658644.

In the recruitment process, Malmö University has taken a stand on the issue of recruitment channels and marketing. Hence, any offer of advertising or recruitment help in connection with this advertisement will be declined.

Faculty, department and Research environment
The Faculty of Education and Society offers professional training in the fields of schools, culture, leisure and sport. The faculty runs one of Sweden’s largest teacher training programmes, offering students a choice of four degrees: preschool teacher, primary teacher, secondary teacher or vocational teacher. On this page you can read about our activities.

The Department of Sport Sciences is a broad multidisciplinary environment whose core is sport as a multifaceted societal phenomenon and knowledge area. Our programmes are characterised by a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical understanding with a well-developed action competence.

The department offers sports-related programmes on the first-, second- and third-cycle levels. Its active and successful sport science research environment comprises a variety of specialisations whose primary focus lies within the social science field. The department also has a well-developed cooperation network within sport practice.

Sport sciences specialising in social sciences and the humanities
The focus on research programmes in sport sciences specializing in social sciences and the humanities lies on the forms of sport and on their past, present and future importance to society. The education comprises a range of areas from competitive, recreational sports to physical education, friluftsliv, physical recreation, psychology and ecological sustainability.

The contribution of sport to society is studied on the basis of problem complexes such as sport regulation and normativity, state, market and civil society relation to sport, sport’s own selection mechanisms, embodied learning processes, space and place, as well as the way societal structures and social categories, such as gender, ethnicity, sexuality, dis/ability, generation and social class, affect and are affected by sport and within the school subject (PE).

The sport science research environment includes some 15 researchers as well as an almost equal number of doctoral students. The research is primarily within the humanities and the social sciences, and in regard to the research conducted at the department, sport is considered to be a multi-dimensional, societal and cultural phenomenon that includes physical activity, physical education (PE), learning and movement, health, mindfulness, exercise and sport performance. It also includes research on elite sport.

We welcome applications from the field of sports pedagogy, but also sport science in general

Further information
Contact person for the Department of Sport Sciences, is the Head of the department, Anna Fabri, [email protected], +46 040-665 81 90. Contact person for the subject of Sport Science specializing in Social Sciences and the Humanities is the Director of Doctoral Studies, Professor Kutte Jönsson, [email protected], +46 040-6658644.

In the recruitment process, Malmö University has taken a stand on the issue of recruitment channels and marketing. Hence, any offer of advertising or recruitment help in connection with this advertisement will be declined.

You can read more about the benefits of working in Sweden here: https://sweden.se/collection/working-in-sweden/

You apply for the position via Malmö University recruitment system by clicking the “Ansök” (‘Apply’) button below.

Applications are accepted in the following languages: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian and English. All attached documents should be in or translated into Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or English.

As an applicant, it is your responsibility that the application fulfils the requirements stated in the advertisement and that it is received by the university no later than 2025-01-20.

The application must include

      • A letter of application describing your background and interest in the research education (max 2 pages)
      • A certified curriculum vitae
      • A brief research plan presenting the focus of the research and a dissertation proposal as well as a description of how this relates to the specific advertising (max 4 pages)
      • Your independent second-cycle work
      • Any other publications you wish to include (a maximum of 3 research reports or academic articles or the equivalent)
      • Certified certificates and testimonials (e.g. diplomas, work experience)
      • References

his is a temporary full-time position in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance Ch. 5, section 7.

Malmö University is an academic workplace characterised by an open and inclusive approach, with an equality and equal opportunity policy constituting an added value for our organisation.

Start date
September 1st 2025.

Union representatives
Nils Andersson, Saco, [email protected]
Anita Marttila, OFR, [email protected]
Charlotte Paggetti, Sveriges Lärare, [email protected]

PhD Student Union representative
Doktorandkollegietsordförande, Johan Deltner, [email protected]

We are looking forward to receiving your application!

You apply no later than 20/01/2025 by clicking the apply button.

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