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AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems A/S

Are you studying Engineering within the field of i.e. Mechatronics, Electronics, Software, IT, or Production, and are you looking for an internship as a part of your studyprogram.

We want to be best in class – do you?
At AGRAMKOW we are always on the lookout for highly motivated students, who are eager to test their knowhow and theoretical experience in real life.
You are recognized as a creative problem solver, and you are not afraid of taking responsibility and decisions. At the same time, you are a good listener, and you can communicate on all levels in an organization.

What’s in it for you?
You will get the opportunity to get a good insight into an exciting branch, and to test your theoretical knowledge within your field of interest. We offer internships within i.e. Software, Procurement, Electronics, Mechanics, IT, Sales, Production, and many other exciting fields.

How to apply
Send us your application including a Cover letter, your transcript and CV.

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  • Region Syddanmark

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Johanne Hoffland
Telephone: 74123504

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Office address:
Augustenborg Landevej 19 DK-6400 Sønderborg

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AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems A/S

Hovedkontor: Augustenborg Landevej 19, 6400 Sønderborg

AGRAMKOW A single source solution provider for manufacturers within cooling and air-conditioning all over the world

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