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Doctoral student in applied physics: astrophysics

Malmö University


Reference number P 2025/20

Malmö University is an innovative, urban, and internationally-oriented academic institution that, thanks to its committed and experienced staff, contributes to societal development. Here, teachers, researchers, and other employees with various competencies work together to conduct high-quality education and research. All professional categories and roles are important. You are welcome to apply for a job with us!

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We are looking for
Doctoral student in applied physics: astrophysics, at the faculty of technology and society.

Work duties
Those appointed to doctoral studentships shall primarily devote themselves to their studies. Those appointed to doctoral studentships may, however, work to a limited extent with educational tasks, research, artistic research and administration, however, duties of this kind may not comprise more than 20 per cent of a full-time post (Chapter 5, Section 2 of the Higher Education Ordinance).

The PhD project focuses on so-called Galactic archaeology, where high-resolution stellar spectroscopy is the primary method. This means, in general terms, that spectroscopic data from individual stars, collected using large international telescopes, are used to investigate how specific parts of our galaxy, the Milky Way, have formed and evolved.

The project offers some flexibility depending on your previous experience but is expected to focus mainly on the local Galactic disk and/or globular clusters. The thesis will be built around one or more "medium-sized" sub-projects, where the research is niched by using rigorous, classical analysis methods to study thousands of stars – a methodology that is relatively uncommon. You will work together with your supervisor and colleagues to carry out both the practical analysis of stellar spectra, where elemental abundances of the stars are determined, as well as the scientific interpretation of the results: what do the measured elemental abundances reveal about the evolution of the stellar population and, in a broader perspective, the Galaxy?

The research environment is highly international, with members who have broad experience in both small-scale, classical projects and large-scale surveys. As a natural consequence of the international character of the work, you will be expected to actively participate in international conferences and workshops, conduct observations at world-leading telescopes, and, if interested and possible, participate in shorter international research exchanges.

To be admitted to third-cycle studies, the applicant must meet the general and specific entry requirements of the subject in question. Moreover, the applicant must be deemed capable of assimilating the education.

General entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes (HEO Chapter 7 Section 39) have those who:

  • have been awarded a second-cycle qualification
  • have satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or
  • have acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

Specific entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes have those who:

  • have knowledge and skills equivalent to an advanced level degree in applied physics or in another subject relevant to applied physics, or
  • have acquired essentially equivalent knowledge, within or outside Sweden
  • have a command of English to the extent required to undertake postgraduate studies in applied physics

Selection criteria
Selection among applicants who meet the general and specific entry requirements shall be made with regard to their capacity to assimilate the education (HEO Chapter 7 Section 41).

The following general selection criteria will be used:

  • subject competence
  • scientific quality in previous work
  • methodological and scientific maturity
  • communication and collaboration skills

In addition, the following specific selection criteria will be used:

  • relevant subject areas for previous advanced level degree are astronomy, astrophysics, physics, or similar
  • documented experience in high-resolution stellar spectroscopy (for example, determination of stellar parameters and/or elemental abundances) will be seen as an advantage, but not a requirement
  • of lesser importance, one or more of the following experiences will also be seen as an advantage:
    • experience from other astrophysical spectroscopic analysis, and/or experience using various spectroscopic analysis programs (SME, MOOG, TurboSpectrum, etc.)
    • experience from other work with data from astronomical observations and/or practical experience of astronomical observation
    • experience in data analysis and/or scientific programming (for example, Python, Fortran, C, etc., but also specific packages/programs such as Pandas, TopCat, etc.)

Faculty, Department and Research environment

The Faculty of Technology and Society conducts education and research with a focus on technology and natural sciences at the two departments of Computer Science and Media Technology and Materials Science and Applied Mathematics. The faculty collaborates with companies and other organizations with the aim of raising the level of expertise, creating new products, developing businesses and giving students an early connection to their future working life. Our research collaborations and employees from a large number of countries give the activities an international character. More information about the faculty can be found here: Link


The Department of Materials Science and Applied Mathematics employs around forty dedicated teachers, researchers and doctoral students in a dynamic and international environment. We offer education in engineering, mathematics and natural sciences, including a Technical Foundation Year, a Technical Foundation Semester and three higher education engineering programs: Civil Engineering, Mechanical and Materials Engineering and Product Development and Design. We also offer a 2-year international master's program in Computational Material Science.

Our department is a place of constant development and here you will have the opportunity to grow, be involved and influence your own future as well as the department's. We conduct research in close collaboration with both private and public actors, with a focus on areas such as materials science, physics, applied mathematics and construction science.

More information can be found here: Link

Research environment

Astronomy research within the physics group deals with general Galactochemical evolution and attempts to understand where and how different elements have formed on a cosmic scale, and Galactic archaeology, which aims to understand how different parts of our Galaxy — and thus galaxies in general — have formed and evolved. The research method used is high-resolution stellar spectroscopy. More information can be found here: Link

Further information
Katja Frid, head of department: https://mau.se/en/persons/katja.frid/
Henrik Jönsson, intended supervisor: https://mau.se/en/persons/henrik.jonsson/

In our recruitment work, Malmö University has taken a stand regarding recruitment channels and marketing. We therefore decline all offers of advertising and recruitment assistance in connection with this advertisement.

You can read more about the benefits of working in Sweden here: Link

You apply for this position via Malmö University's recruitment system by clicking on the "Apply" button. As an applicant, you are responsible for ensuring that your application is completed in accordance with the job advertisement, and that it is submitted to the University no later than March 23rd 2025. The application must be written in Swedish, English or any of the Nordic languages. As an applicant, you are responsible for the application and its appendices being translated.

The application must include:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Diplomas, transcript of records and other certificates relevant for the position
  • A cover letter where your interest in this PhD-position is developed
  • Independent work at advanced level (including master thesis or equivalent)

Preparation of admission to postgraduate education and employment as a doctoral student take place in parallel. Only those who are or have been admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes at a higher education may be appointed to doctoral studentships (Chapter 5, Section 3 of the Higher Education Ordinance).

The doctoral studentship is a fixed-term position comprising four years of full-time studies, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 5 Section 7. A doctoral student shall be employed for an indefinite period but for no longer than until a specified date, and never for longer than a year after the doctoral degree or artistic doctoral degree has been completed. The first appointment must be limited to one year at the most. The appointment can be extended by a maximum of two years at a time.

Malmö University actively promotes gender equality and equal opportunities in order to offer a workplace and a university characterised by an open and inclusive approach.

As part of this:

  • applicants of an underrepresented gender are given priority for admission, if they are equally able to benefit from the programme.
  • doctoral students with permanent disabilities are given the opportunity to receive support and adaptations during their studies, so that everyone can study on equal terms in a good study environment.

Malmö University is a workplace and higher education institution that is characterised by an open and inclusive approach, where gender equality and equal terms add value to our activities.

Malmö University applies salary setting for doctoral students in accordance with a local agreement on salary setting for doctoral students.

Start date
September 1st 2025 or by agreement.

If the admitted person requires a residence permit to live in Sweden and pursue their studies, the University reserves the right to revoke the admission decision if the admitted person cannot present a valid residence permit as required on the date they are due to commence their education.

Union representatives
SACO-S Mats Syde, [email protected]/ST Sandip Kaur, [email protected]

PhD Student Union representative
[email protected]

We are looking forward to receiving your application!
You apply no later than 23/03/2025 by clicking the apply button.

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