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Internship: Environmental Due Diligence with AO’s Team Green Transition

Brødrene A. & O. Johansen A/S

Are you passionate about the green transition and eager to transform academic insights into actionable results?
Join Brødrene A&O Johansen (AO) as an intern and help shape our approach to environmental due diligence. With us, you will contribute to meaningful sustainability efforts while gaining valuable, real-world experience.

About AO
Brødrene A&O Johansen A/S is a well-established, publicly listed company with over 100 years of history and 900 employees. We are a knowledge-driven IT and logistics company, as well as one of Denmark's leading wholesalers of plumbing, electrical supplies, tools, drainage systems, and other products for the construction and trade industries.

At AO, we are committed to reducing climate and environmental impacts for ourselves, our customers, and our suppliers. As part of our strategic transformation, we are intensifying efforts to achieve ambitious CO2 reduction goals—and we are looking for talented individuals like you to help us get there.

Your Role: Develop a Due Diligence Roadmap
As an intern, you will play a pivotal role in evaluating and improving AO’s approach to sustainable due diligence. You will conduct a gap analysis of AO’s current efforts relative to EU legislation, such as the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD) and Deforestation Regulation and propose actionable solutions to bridge those gaps.

Key Responsibilities
Your work will include a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Analyzing and identifying gaps between AO’s current efforts and EU due diligence requirements.
  • Collaborating with suppliers to understand their challenges and explore opportunities for partnerships.
  • Designing a process for data collection and management tailored to AO’s position as a wholesaler.

In addition to contributing to existing projects, you will have the flexibility to tailor the scope of your work to your personal interests and academic goals. We aim to provide an internship that supports both your professional development and AO’s sustainability ambitions.

Your profile
At AO, we understand that young talents cannot be expected to have extensive work experience yet. Therefore, the most important qualities we are looking for are strong academic knowledge and a deep interest in the green transition.

We are looking for someone who:

  • Is pursuing a degree related to sustainability, environmental science, or a similar field.
  • Has an interest in or experience with value chain collaboration or compliance with legislation.
  • Possesses strong analytical skills and a desire to translate theory into practical results.

What AO offers

  • Duration: 4-6 months, full-time (unpaid, in line with Danish regulations). However, you will receive a grant of 3.000 DKK per month to support your expenses.
  • Location: AO headquarters in Albertslund.
  • Perks: Free lunch, flexible working arrangements, and a supportive environment focused on both your academic and personal growth.

At AO, you’ll be part of a dynamic and informal work culture where no two days are the same. You will:

  • Tackle challenging tasks,
  • Collaborate with skilled colleagues,
  • Gain practical insights into how businesses address environmental and climate challenges.

If you have questions about the internship, feel free to contact Andreas Weidinger, Head of Climate & Sustainability, at +45 53360130.

Your application
Send your application and CV via the “søg stillingen” button. We will conduct interviews on a rolling basis and close the recruitment process as soon as we find the right candidate.

Department: Grøn Omstilling

Deadline: 27 February 2025

Location: Rørvang 3, 2620, Albertslund, Danmark

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Brødrene A. & O. Johansen A/S

Hovedkontor: Rørvang 3, 2620 Albertslund

Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S er en danskejet koncern, som blev grundlagt i 1914, og børsnoteret i 1963. AO er som grossist en af de førende videns- it- og logistikvirksomheder inden for byggebranchen med ca. 750 medarbejdere på hovedsædet i Albertslund samt i filialerne i Danmark, Sverige og Norge. Med sortimenter inden for VVS, EL, VA og Værktøj henvender koncernen sig til det professionelle marked via AO og til det private marked via BilligVVS, LavprisVVS og Greenline.

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