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Funded traineeship for young graduates at the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan - Trade and Cooperation Section

European External Action Service (EEAS)

31.01.2025 New opportunity Teaser The deadline for submitting applications is 10.02.2025.

Text Are you a young graduate interested in international relations? Are you curious to learn more about work of a diplomatic mission and how the EU Delegation represents EU interests and values in Kazakhstan?

We offer:
A traineeship of 6 months within the Trade and Cooperation Section of the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan, starting in April 2025.

Main tasks:

  • Providing support to the organization of EPCA sub-committees in the areas of trade and customs, and the EU-Kazakhstan Business Platforms;
  • Providing support to cooperation events, both in Central Asia and in Kazakhstan;
  • Conducting research and drafting notes and reports on subjects related to trade, economy and international cooperation;
  • Logistical help with the preparation of visits and events;
  • Assisting in meetings, workshops and conferences, and taking minutes;
  • Providing support to the organisation of meetings, including under the EU Taiex program;
  • Administrative and secretarial support; other support functions upon request.

We look for:
Qualifications or special requirements:

  • Taking into account the local health and security conditions, only applicants currently residing in Kazakhstan will be considered.
  • General understanding of international trade and economics, as well as EU-Kazakhstan and EU-Central Asia cooperation;
  • Excellent drafting skills, eagerness to learn, motivation to work in a team, attention to detail;
  • Must have at least a Bachelor’s Diploma in International Affairs, European Affairs, Law, International Trade, Economics and other related policy areas;
  • Fluency in English, Russian and Kazakh;
  • Fully proficient in Microsoft applications;
  • Be available full time, Monday through Friday.

How to apply?
Candidates must apply to the e-mail address [email protected] and send the following documents:

  • A detailed standard Europass curriculum vitae (CV) https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ (CVs in other format will not be considered)
  • a cover letter describing why you want to participate in a EU traineeship
  • and an application form:
    Application form for funded traineeships 2025.docx

Please mention in the subject of your e-mail: Funded Traineeship - Name/Trade and Cooperation

Important information to read before applying
Before applying you are requested to examine the dedicated website as well as the general eligibility criteria for a paid traineeship (Article 8 of the Decision ADMIN(2017)28 – Paid traineeship).

Each selected trainee will receive a monthly grant to cover living expenses. All costs related to travels, visa, insurance, accommodation must be borne by the trainee.

Applications from non-eligible candidates will not be considered. After the evaluation of all applications, shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview. Unsuccessful candidates will be notified by email. In case the selected candidates are not able to present the required documents, their application will be rejected.

The traineeships can only be offered in compliance with the local legislation as well as the legislation of the country of origin.
Citizens from EU Member states:

  • must provide proof that they will be covered against the risk of a pandemic and the costs of repatriation;
  • must hold a relevant entrance visa and / or temporary residence permit where applicable, based on the traineeship agreement, the duration of the traineeship, and in compliance with the local legislation.

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Ansøgningsfrist d. 02.10.2025
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European External Action Service (EEAS)

Hovedkontor: EEAS Building, 9A Rond Point Schuman, 1046 Brussels

The EEAS is the European Union's diplomatic service. It helps the EU's foreign affairs chief – the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – carry out the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

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