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Student Assistant in Computer Science

Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is looking for a student assistant for at position in the Computational Biology Group.

We are looking for a student in computer science / data science / mathematics or comparable fields to assist us in development work for our Novo Nordisk Foundation funded project MOPITAS. Here, the student shall develop statistical approaches to delineate spatiotemporal changes in tissue architecture measured in spatial transcriptomics experiments.

The student contributes to the development of our evaluation platform and also contributes with the implementation of novel methods for the quantification tissue changes. Knowledge of spatial transcriptomics data as well as general Omics analysis are welcome, but not a must. Solid experience in programming, mainly python is expected.

Employment shall take place in accordance with the framework agreement between the Ministry of Finance and and the organisational agreement for IT employees (PROSA).

Please note, the selected candidate as Student Assistant or Academic Supervisor must be enrolled as student at SDU.

In case you have not yet had an examination at SDU, the enrollment confirmation instead of the exam transcript must be annexed your application.

Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Each box can only contain a single file of max. 5 Mb. We recommend that you read how to apply before you apply.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

Placering: Odense, Denmark

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Syddansk Universitet (SDU)

Hovedkontor: Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M

SDU åbnede dørene for de første studerende i Odense i september 1966, og siden da er det gået stærkt. Vi har nu fem fakulteter med omkring 30.000 studerende, heraf mere end 15 % fra udlandet, og knap 4.000 ansatte fordelt på hovedcampus i Odense samt regionale campusser i Slagelse, Kolding, Esbjerg og Sønderborg og København.

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