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If you are a self-motivating person with an interest to learn and experience new things in a challenging job, then an internship at Trademark Textiles

Trademark Textiles

If you are a self-motivating person with an interest to learn and experience new things in a challenging job, then an internship at Trademark Textiles A/S might just be the right thing for you. During your internship you will get the opportunity to gain huge insight in the full value chain: From the very first product idea, development, production, and transportation of the goods.

Trademark Textiles A/S produces, designs, and sells private label accessories to well-known fashion brands all over Europe. In Trademark Textiles A/S you will be working in a young, dynamic, and international company with dedicated people from all over Europe. We have an ambitious and informal working environment, structured introduction program, and good working conditions with free lunch arrangement, and we have also different social activities throughout the year.

We prefer if you:

  • Are interested in working with supply chain, purchase, and the production process of fashion garments.
  • Are interested in working with foreign countries.
  • Are good with numbers and calculations.
  • Speak and write English, and preferable also one of the following languages: Spanish, German, Danish, Dutch or Polish.
  • Think and work independently.

Please remember, this internship is for students, and therefore, you need to be enrolled in an educational program to be eligible for the internship.

Your daily work tasks:

  • Ensuring the right production and delivery of the garments, oversee the whole process and constantly checking everything is done the right way.
  • Get in touch with customers: Understand their needs and wishes.
  • Get in touch with both our colleagues and factories in the Far East.

Our company is placed in Southern Denmark, Kolding. Here you will come to work in an international company with young and dedicated colleagues. We have good working conditions and an informal environment, where you will be introduced to the task during the first weeks.

The benefits from the internship will be several:

  • Insight in the whole production process of fashion garments.
  • Compare theory and practice (a good basis for your thesis).
  • Close cooperation between design, sales and buying department.
  • Working in an international company with 6-8 different country cultures.
  • Cooperation with colleagues in the Far East.
  • Training in English, both written and spoken, every day.
  • Work in "real life" - including sharp deadlines.

The internship is fulltime, and it will last for 5 - 6 months and starts preferably in September 2025.

Is that you? If yes, please send your CV and application in English.
If you have questions, you are welcome to contact HR Specialist, Milena Magdonova, phone +45 25 60 66 14.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Trademark Textiles

Hovedkontor: Birkemosevej 9A, 6000 Kolding

Trademark Textiles was established in Denmark in 2004 by Jesper Poulsen. He decided to use his many years of sales and research experience to realise an idea that was based on a gap that he had previously discovered in the market. The idea was to give companies in the textile industry an alternative solution to the agencies working as a link between the eastern manufactures and the rest of the world, specifically in private label production.

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