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Write Your Bachelor's Thesis with Aibel

Aibel AS

Write Your Bachelor's Thesis with Aibel

Bachelor Thesis – Your First Step of Pioneering
At Aibel, we call ourselves Engineering Pioneers. Now you have a chance to get relevant insight into our inspiring projects within renewables and oil and gas. Whatever our job is, we approach it with creativity, curiosity and a drive to find new and better solutions. First we imagine the future. Then we build it.

Are you interested in writing your Bachelor Thesis with Aibel?
We are inviting students writing their Bachelor’s degree in Norway, to submit an application for writing their thesis in Aibel.

Applications will be assessed continuously, and potential candidates will be contacted. A selected few will be chosen, and those selected will be offered our guidance and mentoring throughout the process.

How to Apply
We accept online applications only, either in Norwegian or in English. In the application form, you will be asked to describe your field of study and your thesis, and also the deadline of your Thesis.

You must also attach a CV and a motivational cover letter that includes your thesis statement.


Location: Oslo, Stavanger, Haugesund, Bergen, Harstad, Hammerfest

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Aibel AS

Hovedkontor: Europaplads 2, 8000 Aarhus C

Aibel is a leading service company within the oil, gas and offshore wind industries. We provide our customers with optimal and innovative solutions within engineering, construction, modifications and maintenance throughout a project's entire life cycle.

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