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Research Scientists (MSc/PhD) – Data Engineering for AI for Compliant AI Applications


Research Scientist (MSc/PhD) – Data Engineering for Compliant AI Applications

At SINTEF Digital, we firmly believe in that digitalization is a key driver for the transition to a greener, more sustainable economy.

Opportunities using analytics and artificial intelligence arise to make better, fact- and data-driven decisions that affect us all, as more and more data is being generated in industry, smart cities or the natural environment.

The mission of the Smart Data research group at SINTEF Digital is to organize this multitude of data sources in innovative ways to fuel articial intelligence and gain new insights, necessary for a more sustainable future.
We are a highly international community, carrying out R&I projects together with Norwegian and European partners over a broad range of application areas – from various industry domains (manufacturing, energy, maritime, agrifood) to areas such as biodiversity (digital twins of complex ecosystems such as the oceans).

The Smart Data Group at SINTEF Digital currently consists of 12 researchers. With a fast-growing demand for our expertise, we are looking for one or two ambitious research scientists interested in joining one of the leading European research teams in the field of data engineering, data science and analytics.

Your responsibilities:

At SINTEF, we deliver projects in collaboration with industry and public sector. SINTEF researchers take pride in the project results they achieve, while actively disseminating both to the academic community and society at large.

You will be working together with your colleagues on challenges related to data pipelines and workflows across edge, fog and cloud computing, data sharing, as well interoperability and semantics for digital twins, using the latest of big data technologies and artificial intelligence in line with regulatory, ethical and organizational compliance.

Who are you?

  • You are an early-stage/mid-career researcher (MSc/PhD) in computer science, data science and/or artificial intelligence, with high ambitions to make an impact in the real world as well as in the academic community
  • You enjoy complex challenges and have demonstrated ability to solve them
  • Experience and proven track record in the following:
    • Big data and cloud technologies
    • Python-based frameworks for data science and engineering
    • Industrial ontologies and semantics
  • Experience within Compliance, Governance and Regulations for Data and AI Ops from a technological perspective
  • Experience in turning creative ideas into prototypes, and you are passionate about writing high-quality code
  • You are a team player and communicate well with both colleagues and external collaborators
  • Ideally, you have experience in collaborative research projects and feel comfortable taking on responsibility as project manager
  • Fluency in English as a working language

What we can offer you:

  • Being a part of one of Northern Europe’s largest institutes for applied research, with well-established scientific networks across the world.
  • A fast-paced working environment that generates both excellent project results as well as high-quality scientific publications
  • Unique opportunities for professional and personal growth
  • A competitive salary along with social benefits as pension and insurance plans, possibility for kindergarten, relocation assistance, etc.
  • A very inclusive culture, stimulating collaboration and knowledge sharing


Lokation: Oslo

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Hovedkontor: Strindveien 4, 7465 Trondheim

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