Er du en af Studenterlaugets to nye Rusturansvarlige? Studenterlauget er Danmarks største studenterdrevne organisation, hvis formål er at skabe det mest attraktive studiemiljø på Aarhus BSS. Vi ønsker at hjælpe studerende til den bedst mulige start på karrieren gennem erhvervsrelevante jobs, hvor tidligere erfaring på ingen måde er et krav, men noget vi tilbyder. Vil du gerne være med til at skabe Danmarks Største Rustur og samtidigt skabe en uforglemmelig oplevelse for ca. 1000 nye studerende på Aarhus BSS? Arbejder du struktureret og organiseret? Og har du mod på at stå i spidsen for ca. 110 instruktors og hjælpere, samt tage ansvar – også når det ikke går helt som planlagt? Som Rusturansvarlig har du mulighed for at tilegne dig værdifuld erfaring i projektstyring og partnerkontakt, hvor du i samarbejde med de to rusansvarlige har ansvaret for al koordinering og planlægning i og omkring Rusturen 2025! Vi tilbyder dig: - - - Mulighed for at udvikle dine kommunikations- og ledelsesevner Erfaring indenfor projektstyring, koordinering og partnerkontakt Et spændende og udfordrende job, hvor du kommer til at have ansvaret for ca. 1000 rusere, 70 instruktors og 40 hjælpere - - Planlægning og eksekvering af transportlogistik, budgetter, kunstner optrædener og meget mere En chance for at udvide dit sociale- og faglige netværk Vi forventer, at du er: - - - - - Tidligere instruktor ved Studenterlauget Struktureret, organiseret og ansvarsfuld I stand til at bevare overblikket i stressende situationer Omstillingsparat, energisk og imødekommende Fri til at deltage i Introdagen d. 21. juni, Instruktordagene d. 20.-22. august, Rusugen d. 25.- 27. august samt Rusturen d. 26.-28. september Arbejdsbyrden vil være varierende over hele perioden med tiltagende arbejdsbelastning op mod Rusturen 2025. Hvis opslaget har fanget din interesse, så send gerne en motiveret ansøgning med vedlagt CV til [email protected] senest den 1. marts 2025 klokken 23:59. Hvis du har nogle spørgsmål, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os på ovenstående e-mail. Læs venligst vores recruitment policy på, inden du søger om jobbet. Are you one of Studentlauget’s two new Rustur Coordinators? Studenterlauget is Denmark’s largest student-run organization, dedicated to creating the most attractive study environment at Aarhus BSS. We aim to help students kickstart their careers through relevant job opportunities— no prior experience is required; we provide the training! Are you creative, outgoing, and passionate about project planning and execution? Would you like to contribute to the organization of Denmark’s largest Introduction Week and Rustur? Can you handle working under pressure and take on the responsibility of approximately 1,000 new students? As an Activity Coordinator, you will work closely with our Introduction Week and Rustur Coordinators to develop and execute a variety of activities for new students and instructors. These activities range from case-solving challenges to the legendary iPod Battle, allowing you to shape and influence the traditions of Introduction Week and Rustur. What We Offer: - The opportunity to influence and shape Introduction Week and Rustur traditions Valuable experience in project management, coordination, and partner collaboration A challenging role with significant responsibility - - - - - The chance to develop your communication and leadership skills An opportunity to expand your social and professional network Involvement in planning social activities over the summer, the annual BA Case, and social events during both Introduction Week and Rustur We Expect That You: - - - - - Have previously been an instructor for Studenterlauget Can maintain an overview in stressful situations Are proactive and take initiative Are enthusiastic, creative, and responsible Are available for the following key dates: Intro Day on June 2, Instructor Days from August 20-22, Introduction Week from August 25-27, Rustur from September 26-28 The workload will vary throughout the period, with peak activity leading up to Introduction Week and Rustur. Does this sound like the perfect opportunity for you? Then send a motivated application along with your CV to [email protected] no later than March 1, 2025, at 23:59. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at the above email address. Please read our "Recruitment Policy" on before applying.
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Oprettet d. 17.02.2025, sidst opdateret d. 17.02.2025 2025-02-17 22:34:38.687