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Freelance Copywriter (Swedish) - Voi Technology

VOI Denmark ApS

As a copywriter at Voi you will work part-time and be responsible for translating and localising content for a variety of channels from English to Swedish. What you’ll work on:

  • Adapting English copy to suit the Swedish market and language, enhancing relevance and engagement.
  • Following the existing style guide to craft localised copy that aligns with the Voi brand and maintain consistency.
  • Proofreading your own work to ensure creative quality, clarity and consistency in line with Voi’s standards.

You’ll be set up for success if you have:

  • Relevant copywriting experience
  • Fluency in Swedish (native level) and English
  • Excellent grammar, writing and editing skills.

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VOI Denmark ApS

Hovedkontor: Teglværksvej 47G, 5220 Odense SØ

Voi is a Swedish micromobility company offering e-scooter and e-bike sharing in partnership with towns, cities and local communities. We believe e-scooters can play a central role in changing how people move in our towns and cities in the future.

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