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Electrical Engineer Internship, fall 2025


Would you like to challenge your electrotechnical talents in global settings and to exchange ideas and knowledge with competent colleagues across the organization? At BEUMER Group, you will see the result of your work in the form of complex systems bringing together electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and software.
Take part in designing complex solutions
You will be joining our Airport Project Engineering or Logistic Systems Project Engineering team, who are developing and designing state-of-the-art systems for customers across the globe. You will participate in making the electrotechnical design, projecting and documentation and assist our electrical experts with sub-projects as well as day-to-day tasks. Your tasks will include:

  • Participation in project meetings on the projects that you are assigned to – from design to commissioning
  • Participation in design reviews with the team
  • Electrical drawings in AutoCAD
  • Various tasks in EPLAN
  • Ad hoc tasks across the department
  • Internal development projects like new safety functions, communication structure (like IO link), power supply solution etc.

"During my internship, I learned all the steps it takes to execute a project, so the transition from intern to permanent employee was really smooth. And besides, I always felt that I was part of the team as much as any of my colleagues" - Kiann Starch Lauritsen, Electrical Engineer, BEUMER Group Singapore (former intern in BEUMER Group Denmark in 2018).

Gain valuable experience in a specialist environment
You will be provided with a dedicated mentor, ensuring that you will have all the necessary tools and knowledge to get going, and who will be supporting you during the entire internship. You will be working closely with colleagues in your team as well as mechanical and control engineers in the project engineering organization and other in-house stakeholders.

You are currently studying Electrical Engineering or Marine Engineering and are available to start your internship in August 2025. The internship is paid and will last for appr. 5 months – the exact period will be agreed with your manager.

Moreover you will be able to spend time with the other interns across the organization, participating in social events, where you can get to know each other as well as share your experiences.

If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to contact Team Manager, Electrical Project Engineering, Søren Schmidt, on +45 2761 5872 or Talent Acquisition Specialist, Eva Holm Mikkelsen on +45 3161 9466.

Please apply online through the link as soon as possible, and no later than March 28th, 2025. Please include a copy of your most recent grades. We will invite candidates for interviews on an ongoing basis and may fill the internship position before the application deadline.

We look forward to meeting you!

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