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Front-end Student Developer (Assistant Analyst)


Are you interested in developing user-friendly web applications and motivated to work in the heart of financial markets? You now have the opportunity to join the Quantitative Solutions department at Nykredit Markets as a part-time Assistant Analyst.

About Us
Quantitative Solutions is a highly skilled and dynamic group of quantitative analysts, developers, and financial engineers engaged in supporting innovation within Nykredit Markets. We operate at the intersection of financial markets, mathematical modelling, and software engineering, leveraging advanced quantitative methods and modern technologies to develop sophisticated financial models, tools, and applications.

Nykredit Markets is a part of the Nykredit Group, which is one of Denmark's largest financial institutions. Nykredit Markets offers a wide range of financial services and products within the capital markets, including trading in fixed income, credit, currencies, and equities. We assist both institutional and private investors with advisory services and tailored solutions to meet their investment needs.

The Role
As an Assistant Analyst in the Quantitative Solutions department, your primary task will be to assist on the development of our internal web application, NFL Dragonfly, which is used by Trading and Sales to price financial instruments, manage risk, and analyze data. We are looking for a candidate with a genuine interest in UI/UX, experience working with frontend JavaScript frameworks such as React and backend Python frameworks such as Django, and with a keen interest in financial markets. You can expect intensive training and numerous opportunities to grow and develop your web development skills and knowledge of financial markets.

Key Responsibilities

  • Assist in the development of our web application, NFL Dragonfly.
  • Collaborate with key stakeholders to accurately understand their needs and develop fitting solutions.
  • Provide ad hoc support for various daily tasks and projects.

Required Qualifications

  • Currently studying a relevant field such as software development, computer science, engineering or finance with a strong academic record and ideally 2-3 years until graduation.
  • Experience with frontend web development, preferably using JavaScript frameworks such as React.
  • Experience with backend web development in Python (Django or similar) and a basic understanding of relational databases (SQL).
  • Advanced analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Good communication skills and the ability to work in a team.

Preferred but not required qualifications

  • Basic understanding of financial concepts and quantitative methods.
  • Working knowledge of source control systems (Git) and CI/CD.
  • Experience developing REST APIs.

Any questions?
If you want to know more about Nykredit or the position, you are welcome to contact Head of Quantitative Solutions, David Sloth Pedersen, +45 44 55 11 52. If you have questions regarding the recruitment process, contact us at [email protected].

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Hovedkontor: Kalvebod Brygge 1-3, 1780 København

I Nykredit ved vi, hvad vi vil – vi vil være boligejernes foretrukne partner og vi vil styrke samarbejdet med vores partnerbanker i Totalkredit. Vi ved, at dette kræver en målrettet indsats og det stærkeste hold af ledere og medarbejdere. Derfor har vi brug for de bedste talenter, som kan gøre en forskel for vores kunder og fremadrettet kan sikre Nykredits stærke position på markedet.

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