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Student worker - Strategy & Transformation

Danish Crown

DNK-Randers, Danish Crown Vej

Student worker - Strategy & Transformation
Are you ready to apply your academic knowledge to real-world tasks in a company with 67 billion DKK in revenue and 23,000 colleagues worldwide? As a Student Assistant in the Strategy & Transformation team, you will gain practical experience working with high-level strategy in a global company. This is your opportunity to work closely with experienced professionals, accelerate your learning curve, and contribute to strategic initiatives that drive real impact.

Your Role in Strategy & Transformation
As a Student Assistant in the Strategy & Transformation team at Danish Crown, you will significantly contribute to advancing key transformation initiatives. Based at our newly established headquarters in Randers, you will work alongside experienced professionals, gaining first-hand experience in the application of corporate strategy. This is not just a student job; it’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in strategic decision-making and apply your learning in practice.

Your Responsibilities

  • Contribute to key strategic projects, supporting market and business strategies, operational improvements, supply chain enhancements, and sustainability initiatives.
  • Assist in developing strategic insights, supporting executive management with key strategic tools such as the annual strategy wheel, strategy workshops, and Board of Directors presentations.
  • Engage in pivotal tasks that shape the organization’s strategic direction, allowing you to work closely with senior management and executives.

What Will Make You Prosperous?
If you are currently pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business, economics, finance, or a related field, and consistently perform well compared to your peers, this role is for you! Prior experience in strategy, business development, or FMCG is great but not a requirement.

We are looking for someone who:

  • Takes pleasure in solving complex problems by analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data and turning insights into strategic actions.
  • Communicates effectively, breaking down complex ideas into clear, structured, and concise messages—both verbally and in writing (proficiency in PowerPoint is a plus).
  • Thinks strategically, solving issues methodically and providing innovative solutions.
  • Is eager to learn and appreciates collaboration, bringing a mindset with new ideas and perspectives with a team-oriented approach.
  • Thrives in a vibrant learning community.

What’s in It for You?
This role provides a rare opportunity to work closely with experienced professionals, learning directly from full-time team members and accelerating your professional development. In this role, you have the chance to engage in strategic decision-making, join executive discussions, and expand your network of professionals—while putting your academic insights into practice in real business contexts.
At Danish Crown, we cultivate a learning culture, and you will be encouraged to ask questions, explore concepts, and absorb as much knowledge as possible—because we believe growth happens together.

Appetite for More?
If you have questions about the position, you are welcome to contact Christian Schrøder Mortensen, Director, Strategy & Transformation at +45 60 13 80 37.
Send your CV and motivation letter as soon as possible, as we evaluate candidates on an ongoing basis.

Join us, and let’s transform the future of food together!

We are a global food company with DKK 67bn in revenue and more than 23,000 colleagues. Danish Crown is owned by Danish farmers supplying high-quality food to customers and consumers worldwide. We have a vision of being net zero in 2050 and an ambitious agenda for better food and a brighter future.

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Danish Crown

Hovedkontor: Marsvej 43, 8900 Randers

Danish Crown er en dansk internationalt orienteret, fødevarevirksomhed med slagterivirksomhed, forædling og salg af primært svine- og oksekød.

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