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Studentermedhjælp/Studentworker - Customer Support

Alfa Laval

Every day, we get opportunities to make a positive impact – on our colleagues, partners, customers, and society. Together, we’re pioneering the solutions of the future and unlocking the full potential of precious resources. Trusted to act on initiative, we challenge conventional thinking to develop world-leading technologies that inspire progress in vital areas, including energy, food, water, and shipping.

As we push forward, the innovative, open spirit that fuels our 140-year-old start-up culture and rapid growth also drives our personal growth. So, as we shape a more resourceful, less wasteful world, we build our careers too.

About the job
As a Student Worker in Customer Support, you will be an integral part of our team, with hands-on involvement in a variety of tasks and projects. Your daily responsibilities will include:

  • Managing orders from the Sales team and ensuring smooth processing.
  • Handling customer inquiries and providing solutions to their questions or issues.
  • Coordinating transport logistics and arranging couriers for deliveries.
  • Assisting with certificates and documentation processing.

You will receive training across all aspects of the role, with plenty of opportunities to grow and develop professionally. This role will give you the chance to work closely with various departments and gain valuable experience in customer support and logistics.

We offer 15 working hours per week with flexibility, taking your studies and exams into consideration, so you can balance your academic commitments with valuable work experience.

This position is located in our office in Kolding.

We are looking for two Student Workers to join our team, with one starting on the 1st of May and the other on the 1st of June.

Who are you
We are looking for an enthusiastic and eager-to-learn Student Worker to join our dynamic Customer Support team. You are someone who enjoys helping others, possesses excellent communication skills, and is proactive. You have a strong drive for results, always ready to take on new challenges with a customer-centric mindset.

You are passionate about learning, able to handle multiple tasks at once, and understand the importance of delivering high-quality service. You’re excited about contributing to a supportive and collaborative team environment. Your social skills and networking ability will play a key role in building relationships with both customers and colleagues.

What you know

  • We’re looking for a student currently studying fields like Business Administration, Logistics, Communications, or a related area. Adaptability and a customer-focused mindset are key, along with a genuine interest in providing excellent service.
  • Fluency in both Danish and English, both written and spoken, is essential.

For more information, please contact
Customer Support Manager, Pernille Freudendahl on [email protected]

Talent Acquisition Coordinator, Raquel Herndon on [email protected]

We are conducting a continuous review of received applications. We do not accept applications via email, they will be deleted, due to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please send your application and through the link below no later than 18th of March. We will remove the job advert from our website as soon as we have found the right candidate, so don't wait too long!

Location: Kolding

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Alfa Laval

Hovedkontor: Maskinvej 5, 2860 Søborg

Alfa Laval is today a world leader within the key technology areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. Our company was founded on a single brilliant invention and innovation remains at the heart of everything we do.

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