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Compulsory traineeship for students at the EU Delegation to Mexico - Cooperation Section

European External Action Service (EEAS)

28.02.2025 Expiring soon Teaser The deadline for submitting applications is 12/03/2025.

Text Are you a university student interested in international relations? Is a working experience part of your course? Are you curious to learn more about work of a diplomatic mission and how the EU Delegation represents EU interests and values in Mexico?

We offer:
A traineeship of 5 months for students undertaking a compulsory traineeship as a part of their studies, within the Cooperation Section of the EU Delegation to Mexico, starting in May 2025.

Under the supervision and mentoring of a Trainee’s supervisor, this compulsory traineeship will provide a solid and meaningful learning content, notably by the prior identification of the specific skills to be acquired in relation with the studies of the candidates.

Main tasks:

  • To collect information and prepare short reports on priority areas for the Cooperation Section;
  • To assist in the organization and reporting of meetings, missions and events related to Cooperation Section activities;
  • To assist in the implementation of the Global Gateway Investment Agenda in Mexico
  • To support the Cooperation Section’s work in the areas of security, justice and violence prevention

We look for:
Qualifications or special requirements:

  • Students enrolled in the 3rd, 4th or 5th year of a University degree or another higher-education level, e.g. in economics, finance, international relations, environment/climate change/energy, etc.;
  • Excellent command of Spanish and English languages (oral and written);
  • Ability to work as part of a team.

How to apply?
Candidates must apply to the e-mail address [email protected] and send the following documents:

  • A detailed standard Europass curriculum vitae (CV) https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/ (CVs in other format will not be considered)
  • a cover letter describing why you want to participate in a EU traineeship
  • a University letter requesting a compulsory traineeship
  • and an application form

Please mention in the subject of your e-mail: Compulsory Traineeship - Cooperation Section

Important information to read before applying
Before applying you are requested to examine the dedicated website as well as the general eligibility criteria for a compulsory traineeships (Article 9 of the Decision ADMIN(2017)28 - Unpaid compulsory traineeships for students already residing and studying in the host country).

All costs related to travel inside the country of residence, visa, insurance, accommodation and living expenses must be borne by either the trainee or the University.

Applications from non-eligible candidates will not be considered. After the evaluation of all applications, shortlisted candidates will be contacted and invited for an interview. Unsuccessful candidates will be notified by email. In case the selected candidates are not able to present the required documents, their application will be rejected.

EU candidates who are already residing in the country of assignment must provide proof that they will be covered against the risk of a pandemic and the costs of repatriation.
The traineeship can only be offered in compliance with the local legislation. In assessing the applications received, account will need to be taken of the current local and sanitary situation and its effects on traineeship possibilities.

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Ansøgningsfrist d. 03.12.2025
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European External Action Service (EEAS)

Hovedkontor: EEAS Building, 9A Rond Point Schuman, 1046 Brussels

The EEAS is the European Union's diplomatic service. It helps the EU's foreign affairs chief – the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy – carry out the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

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