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Marketing Student Assistant


At Dubex, we are dedicated to providing world-class cybersecurity solutions to protect businesses and organizations from digital threats. We are looking for a motivated, detail-oriented, and creative Marketing Student Assistant to join our dynamic team. This is a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in a fast-paced marketing team in a Danish leading cybersecurity company.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Assist in the execution of marketing campaigns, events, etc., focused on cybersecurity solutions
  • Administrative and practical tasks, supporting our Marketing Team, projects, and reporting

Depending on your skills, ambitions, and study, we are open to aligning some of your tasks to your preferences. Most importantly, you are open to ad hoc tasks, and flexible when it comes to day-to-day planning. We naturally plan according to your study focus.

Your Profile:
Most probably you are enrolled in a relevant degree program, want to work with marketing and/or communications, and have administrative skills. You have a good understanding of numbers and percentages.

You have strong skills in written English and Danish, and might already have some experience in digital marketing tools, SoMe-use from back-end-site, or similar experience.

You are proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint).

Interest in cybersecurity and technology is a plus!

What We Offer:

  • Flexible working hours to accommodate your studies – we expect 5-15 hours a week depending on your study and our task-list
  • Opportunity to gain practical experience and develop your skills in marketing in the cybersecurity industry
  • A supportive and collaborative work environment
  • A newly renovated and stylish office space

How to Apply: Please send your resume and a brief cover letter through the “Apply button” on our website. You can apply both in Danish and English.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Location: Smedeland 11 - 2600 Glostrup

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Hovedkontor: Gyngemose Parkvej 50,, 2860 Søborg

Dubex er Danmarks førende, forretningsorienterede it-sikkerhedspartner

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