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HR & Internal Communications Student


Start your career as a student assistant in HR & Internal Communications at a global tech company!
Are you looking for a student job that takes you on an exciting journey within the field of HR & Internal Communications, allowing you to develop your skills? Then this student assistant position here at Cobham Satcom will be a good career opportunity for you!

What can you expect? You will join our dynamic HR & Internal communications team, where you will engage in a wide range of tasks. You will play a key role in developing our Global Intranet – InSight. Additionally, you will be responsible for leading and developing our global student network and helping new colleagues to an even better onboarding experience.

On the HR side of things, you will support our HR-operations processes, you will review and update policies and procedures and get the opportunity to further explore and develop your skills within contracts, employee awards, HR-master data – only your ambition and interest sets your limit.

In our team you will be working together with talented, helpful, and inspiring colleagues who value teamwork, social interactions, and integrity. No two days are alike in HR, and you will find that we balance both performance and fun.

Key responsibilities • Drive continuous improvement of our Global Intranet – InSight – co-create and train network of +50 editors in the business to optimize design and performance. • Create internal news, campaigns, employer branding posts, flyers, advertorials etc. • Lead student network, plan events, onboard new students, answer HR-related questions. • Host Global Introduction Day for all new employees in Europe and Asia. • Support on contracts, employment, resignations, keeping our HRIS up-to-date and day-to-day HR administrative tasks, etc. • Assist in strategic HR-initiatives and support the HR business partners with our overall cultural transformation.

Your key skills and qualifications will ideally include: • We imagine you are on your last year of the bachelor’s or first year of your master’s degree, i.e., in Organizational Communication, Human Resources, Marketing, Business administration, Business economics, or similar. • Interest or prior experience in HR, internal communications, or organizational development is a plus. • You are proactive and structured in your work. • You are tech-savvy and know your way around the Adobe and Microsoft 365 universe (Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Photoshop, etc.). • Fluent in English in both written and spoken, Danish is icing on the cake. • Willing to make a difference from day one and own up to your tasks and responsibilities.

You will work from our headquarters in Kongens Lyngby. Working hours will be 15-20 hours per week with plenty of opportunities to adjust to your schedule and e.g., work more during the summer.

Being a student at Cobham Satcom At Cobham Satcom, you’ll also benefit from a large, vibrant and active student network, with numerous events held throughout the year. This provides you with plenty of opportunities to connect, learn, and socialize with peers from diverse backgrounds, helping you grow both professionally and personally.

How do you apply? Does this sound like the exciting challenge you have been looking for? Then follow the path to LinkedIn where you can submit your CV along with a short cover letter. *Note that you can only upload one file, so please include all the above in a single PDF-file.

If you have any questions about the Student Assistant position, please contact Pia Jeppesen (HR Director) by email: [email protected].

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Hovedkontor: Lundtoftegårdsvej 93D, 2800 Kongens Lyngby

Providing dependable communications and internet access anywhere under the most demanding conditions. Our satellite and radio communication terminals perform in the most challenging and remote environments on land and at sea.

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