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AI in Automation - internship

Enabl A/S

Are you a dedicated student in the field of Automation Technology, eager to delve into the realm of artificial intelligence? Do you thrive in a dynamic work environment that values expertise and a touch of humor? If so, ENABL invites you to join our team as an intern!

As an intern at ENABL, you become part of our Automation Department in Hedensted where you can contribute to developing future equipment for the wind industry. We work with the design, development, and calculation of production, transport, and installation equipment for towers, blades, and nacelles.

What you’ll be doing:
You can expect a meaningful workday where you contribute, learn, and truly become an integrated part of our team. As an intern specializing in Automation Technology with a focus on AI software, your role will involve:

  • How AI can generate large part of our Functional Description (FS) with minimum input
  • How AI should be integrated into an automation process with a wide range of production variations?

Your tasks will always be agreed upon and planned with your manager, and we aim to ensure your learning opportunities within your area of professional interest and qualifications.

Who we are looking for:
You are studying Automation Technology. You work structured and possess the ability to keep an overview of the process. You master English both in writing and verbally. You work independently and are not afraid of handling new tasks and ask questions if you have any. The team and your manager are here to support you and are ready to help if needed.

What you can look forward to!
At ENABL A/S you will have the opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable future. You will be part of a global company for consulting and equipment solutions for onshore and offshore wind turbines.

Besides, you get the opportunity to use the knowledge, that you have achieved from your studies, combined with achieving a lot of practical experience from the wind industry. You become part of a professional team with highly skilled colleagues in both Denmark and abroad. Finally, you will have your own office space at the Automation Department’s facilities in Hedensted.

Are you ready to take on the challenge?
Do you want to be part of a team where collaboration and learning go hand in hand? Then we want to hear from you! The internship begins in August 2025; however, we are flexible with the duration and start date. We process applications on an ongoing basis, so send your application as soon as possible.

So, upload your motivated CV and relevant educational certificates now (in Danish or English at your discretion).

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact our TA intern Asta Olesen, at [email protected]

We look forward to getting to know you!


Hiring Manager:
Asta Olesen, [email protected]

Job area:

Europe, Denmark, Hedensted, Aarhus

Position Type:

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Enabl A/S

Hovedkontor: Kilde Alle 4, 8722 Kilde Alle 4, 8722 Hedensted

ENABL is a global player in solutions for the wind energy industry. A strong global brand created by joining four highly specialized engineering companies and knowledge enterprises: SONNE A/S, BIIR A/S, Blaaholm A/S and Eltronic Wind Solutions A/S.

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